“The yellow vestene” in France appeared in november as a protest against the government’s planned increase in fuel prices, but protestbevegelsen quickly evolved to be far broader.

Before christmas, it was carried to the partly violent demonstrations, and now it turns out people associated with protestbevegelsen has taken speed cameras throughout the country.

– Will lead to the deaths

According to France’s interior minister, Christophe Castaner, they’ve put around 60 per cent of the country’s speed cameras out of the game, writes the BBC.

According to the French site radars-auto com can as many as 65 per cent of the country’s around 3200 speed cameras now being destroyed by the demonstrators.

Many of the cameras have been sprayed down, while others have been covered in other ways. Other speed cameras again is completely destroyed, most of them having been burned.

In some areas of France, in the Vaucluse in the southeast of the country, as many as 90 percent of the cameras being out of operation as a result of vandalism.

– the Devastation of the cameras will lead to death. And it makes me sincerely sad, ” says Emmanuel Barbe, head of the French veisikkerhetsbyrået, according to CNN.

the Two men prosecuted for hagleskyting against speed cameras Protesting against the reduced momentum

Hærverket against the cameras has been going on for a while, and is seen as a response to the French government’s controversial decision in the summer, when they decided to reduce the fartsgrensa on tofelts carriageways from 90 km/h to 80 km/h.

the Goal of the fartsreduksjonen is to reduce the sharp increase in fatal accidents.

Unsafe roads is inevitable. To reduce the speed, reduce the number of accidents and also how severe they are, said prime minister Édouard Phillipe in 2018.

In spite of the government’s noble intentions, there is great resistance in people, according to Jérôme Fourquet of the meningsmålingsinstituttet Ifop.

Around 70 per cent of the population is against, and there is no sign that that will change, ” says Fourquet.

part protesters also believe that the cameras only is a measure to ensure the government money, and that it takes money from the poor.

the Damage to the cameras the costs of the French authorities big money. It costs from 500 euros and up to repair the damaged cameras. One must set up a completely new camera is the cost between 60 000 and 80 000 euro.

Will turn harder on the demonstrations.

Earlier this week said the prime minister Phillipe that the government will strike harder down on violent demonstrations, according to NTB.

After seven weeks with riot protests in Paris and other French cities stated Phillipe that the government will support a “new love who punishes those who do not respect the requirements to arrange protests”.

the Government also plans to ban known “troublemakers” from taking part in demonstrations, in the same way well-known fotballpøbler has been banned from the stadiums.

Phillipe also said that in the future will be “the troublemakers, not the taxpayers” who must cover the material damage caused by the protests.

Three toll gate on fire – a day before the contentious opening