Why change something that works quite well.

As such, the short version of a number of reactions to sounds, for that Extra Magazine on Thursday took the temperature of various professions and interest groups ‘ opinion that the Danish prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) seek to abolish the five regions, with an upcoming health care reform.

Thus be seen that with a certain anxiety to the meeting of the Party’s executive committee Friday afternoon.

Simply because both the prime minister’s own political constituency and the people with the fingers down in the cookie jar and professionally as eligible and is baffled by Loop desire for change.

Photo: Ernst van Norde

A member of the committee of the regions in the Region and one of the Loop concerned party members, Christian Møller-Nielsen, take it as a pensioner and local politician arranged through 22 years of relaxed, he seems to have a fyreseddel hanging over his head.

– So attractive is it does not have to be regionspolitiker, and I think most of the colleagues from the regional councils are thinking the same as me. I’m more concerned and worried about the health care system will work just as well for a health-care reform, where one seeks the regions, says Christian Møller-Nielsen.

We meet the former medical director of the regionshospitalerne in Viborg, Silkeborg, Skive and Together in front of the entrance to the a & e department at Aarhus Universitetshospitals only seven months old facilities in Skejby.

Why decommission a system, as in a variety of fields are functioning. Then, when you not have anything better to put instead, I am seriously concerned, ” says Christian Møller-Nielsen.

Afdelingssygeplejerske Hanne Boyles are like a colleague in the a & e department, resident Katrine Bjørnshave Bomholt, unsure of what Loop concrete will improve in the context of a possible abandonment of the five regions with a total of 205 elected politicians.

– I think it seems unclear what the prime minister will. I have not heard him speak on the reform, but I have read his new year speech in writing, and thereof, I do not understand, that he will abolish the regions. He speaks rather of more interdisciplinary cooperation and about the patient before the system.

– But we are already well underway, says Hanne Boyles.

Resident Katrine Bjørnshave Bomholt does not want to comment on any advantages and disadvantages of a dismantling of the regional councils, and she lacks the more information and involvement of the professionals concerned, prior to it, which can result in significant changes in staff and patients ‘ conditions.

– With more interdisciplinary cooperation and more warm hands, we can increase patient safety, and I am open to, but I lack more knowledge on what an elimination of the regions are of the consequences, says Katrine Bjørnshave Bomholt.

Resident Katrine Bjørnshave Bomholt miss information about the upcoming health care reform, and to professional groups involved in the decisions. Photo: Ernst van Norde

a Member of the region in the middle, Christian Møller-Nielsen (V), points out that the current system is to maintain citizens ‘ direct democratic influence on the health system through elected representatives regionspolitikere.

– the Regions have delivered the goods with progress on almost all parameters, says Christian Møller-Nielsen with regard to quality, productivity and satisfaction of the patients.

– I prefer that the responsibility for a well-functioning health care system lies with the locally elected representatives rather than government by officials, adding Christian Møller-Nielsen.


Arrow up for healthcare

Users of the health care system – patients and relatives – make themselves, like the politicians and professionals wondering and skeptical about the prime minister’s nytårsbudskaber on a health care reform that can lead to an abandonment of the five regions.

With small differences and nuances sounded the judgment among the patients and relatives, Ekstra Bladet spoke with in the a & e department at Aarhus university Hospital, Lars Løkke Rasmussen misses of the disc with its plans for an improved health care system that must put the patient before the system.

Photo: Ernst van Norde

Joel Johannesen, 28 years old, student, Aarhus, patient with fracture of the ankle:

– Immediately, I do not understand what it needs to, and can only say that if it results in less waiting time, so it is always good. The first time I was here, I waited quite a long time, while this time, it’s gone faster.

– I do not think there is a need for the big change, because our health care system in general works fine.

Photo: Ernst van Norde

Gunilla Margaret Schumacher, 80 years old, pensioner, Aarhus, patient with broken finger:

– The (the regions, red.) must not be dismantled. Why should they it. They work very well, and the brands for example I know that the doctors here in the emergency room is very nice and skilled.

– in General, however, I am not completely satisfied. My home helper has too much of a hurry and is almost on its way out of my door before she entered, when she is passing by me every morning. She has more than five-ten minutes to do what she must, and it is too little.

Photo: Ernst van Norde

Lars Bennedsen, 54 years old, Aarhus, denmark, communications officer and relatives of his wife, who is receiving treatment for the bride on the back and arm:

– Loop plans worries me, because I experience that we are offered a good treatment at all levels. In the beginning I was critical of the regions, but I have since found out that they have an important function as the voice of the people in relation to the health care system.

– Denmark has a great health care system. Although there are many places and on many departments have been massive savings in recent years, so promises the staff in general sundhedsopgaven over for the danes better today than years back. It is one of the reasons why I pay my taxes with joy.