Without the sanctions don’t go now, sounds from many directions when it comes to a realignment of Hartz IV. Completely excluded. How should go, and where you would be, if everyone did what suits him, for example, dates in office, not to perceive, without penalties, fear?

in mid-January, it will give the Federal constitutional court hearing on the legality of the sanctions in the Hartz-IV-rule-book. Since it is expected to go a lot to the basic law, article 1, and the amounts needed for a decent minimum standard of living.

It will combine the talk a lot of lawyers and experts, as well as a Demonstration of the so-called Concerned: the beneficiaries, granting to like, legal representatives and Auxiliary. And it was worth it for all the others to listen. Because it is, in principle, the meaningfulness of the principle of punishment as an incentive system.

In any dog book: Praise instead of punishment

do what is required, otherwise you’re going to pay. So you can deal with the Entrusted. Whether or not you brought the right spirit? How about the reverse thinking idea: do something more, as a minimum You will be required, and you will be rewarded. What do you think is appropriate as a motivational approach? Instead of arguing about whether it is permissible to intensify the sanctions so far, that the applicant is deleted at the end of the money for food, heating, electricity and even rent, you could contrive a better conversely, a System that offers basic care and to get various ways through demonstrated commitment and meaningful employee benefits.

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for Free order

keep at Least the Federal Association of German employers ‘ associations should assume nothing. In its opinion on the appointment in Karlsruhe, it is said: “Especially in the case of adolescents, the positive effect of the sanctions is particularly strong. You are, therefore, suitable to effect a change in behaviour.“ Yes, maybe. Because they are in Power and resources. An unpleasant situation.

a point To note: In almost every book on the education of domestic animals will be noted that Praise for better and faster learning leads to a result as penalties. Because of the Praise is a positive relationship, and any creature – certainly, the human person – more interested in positive, fear-free and stress-free relationships. Why you’re afraid to apply this approach in animals and not in humans?

More about

Hartz IV, the SPD “You will not do without sanctions,”

Hans Month

click here to read the debate on Causa to the question: What follows on Hartz IV?