The American president Donald Trump has today paid a visit to the U.s.-mexico border in McAllen, Texas. There he defended again his demand for the construction of a wall. He also stated this about his campagnebelofte for the press, which he re-labelled as “fake news”: “I never said that Mexico is for the wall would pay. Of course, I never meant that they a cheque would unsubscribe. She will sure pay thanks to the incredible trade agreement that we have with Mexico and Canada closed. Mexico marriage shall be the wall pay, indirectly.”

Trump also added that the trade agreement, the USMCA, must still be approved by Congress. “That will probably happen, unless the Democrats also are going to block it because she as much damage as possible want to do, but only for the elections of 2020,” said Trump.

also Read Trump hint is now in a state of emergency to building the wall without the approval of Congress: “it Would be surprising if that’s not what I would do”

On the issue of the limes wall with Mexico is already for weeks of discussion with the Democrats, who refuse to do this, money provided in the budget. Due to this, several American administrations for twenty days lamb.

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