Ver.di calls for Tuesday at the airport in Frankfurt to the warning strike. The employees of the airport security to resign from 2.00 PM of your work, informed the trade Union.

At the Frankfurt airport), the security staff next Tuesday (15.1. the resign from work. The Union ver.di called on the security guards in the ongoing dispute for the period from 02.00 to 20.00 a warning strike, a spokesman said. It could not be ruled out, moreover, that other airports would be included in the warning strike.

wave of Strikes

The renewed strike call had become necessary because of the Federal Association of the aviation security company (BDLS) have not responded to the “strong Signal” of employees due to the warning Strikes at several German airports, with a negotiable offer, explained ver.di-negotiator, Benjamin Roscher.

At several airports, the security personnel had in the past few days on strike.

on Thursday had been cancelled due to the warning Strikes of security personnel at the three airports of Cologne-Bonn, Düsseldorf and Stuttgart, more than 600 flights. Tens of thousands of passengers were affected. On Monday, the security personnel had been placed at the two Berlin airports.

wage to 20 Euro per hour

Ver the rise.di calls for the security personnel nationwide, an increase of the hourly rate in the control area to 20 euros. The employer reject this as too high, they currently offer between two and 6.4 percent increase per year. Both sides want the 23. January continue to negotiate. Four existing collective bargaining remained the rounds were inconclusive.