for Four years, fought back the Customs and Border Protection. Now the U.S. customs and border protection had to give out more than 1000 pages of documents, which will show an exclusive look behind the Scenes of your work. The authority is considered to be concealed, the procedure of its operational unit, the Border Patrol, raised in the past issues. Therefore, the citizens obtained rights organization American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) in court is a publication of the documents.

The US news Website “The Intercept” published by now, just in a Moment to argue in the President, Donald Trump, and his democratic adversary on the security and a wall on the border with Mexico. Current the subject could not be so.

High and insurmountable to the planned wall is to be: Trump in front of one of his prototypes. (Image: Reuters)

Trump, wants to build a wall made of concrete or steel. In Otay Mesa in San Diego, he has set up a few meters from the border, eight prototypes and special forces to test. It was built by the trump project, but still no meters, because the Democrats refuse funding.

A part of the southern border of the United States, however, is cordoned off today. At 1052 kilometres or one-third of the total of 3144 km border, various kinds of barriers and fences, in some Places even as a double obstacle. 16’000 tax collectors you control, divided into nine sectors.

What are the fixtures and officials: The border between the United States and Mexico are stationed. (Map: dca, source: New York Times)

Of the Atlantic coast in the East to El Paso in the mid-marks of the river Rio the border Grande installed, so much less border fortifications. In addition, a large part of the land in private ownership. From El Paso towards the West and the Atlantic ocean, it is just the opposite: most of The Land belongs to the Federal government, and the border is secured all the time.

the focus of the ACLU, which has demanded the surrender of the documents, but not the border, but the Border Patrol, who guarded the same. Especially the work of the so-called “roving patrols” (roaming patrols) will take a critical view of the drawing. These units operate not transitions to the 25 official border, but encounter often deep into the country’s interior. The major sectors to show on the map.

The “roving patrols” will be used according to the published training documents in cities. On Board of buses and trains, you may require that passengers with a proof that they are legally in the country. You are even allowed to commit civilians for assistance or cooperation under the threat of arrest. Who is suspected, the border is illegally crossed, or to have the drugs into the country, smuggled, is arrested by the frontier guards festival and interviewed.

to Enjoy far-reaching competencies: Two Border guards detain migrants who entered this country illegally. (Image: Reuters)

The employees of the Border Patrol at the border may stop a car and check, if it is located close to the border, or dirty. Persons to avoid in the control of eye contact, considered eye-catching. Those that observe the tax collector to be accurate, also. There are a total of 21 different reasons for a car to stop:

If the vehicle is close to the border If the vehicle is on a known smuggling route When the vehicle falls out of the local traffic pattern If the vehicle seems to want control avoid If the vehicle does not seem to carry a heavy load When the vehicle comes from the Region When the vehicle or its cargo looks in any way unusual If the vehicle conforms to a vehicle type, the smugglers/traffickers often use If the vehicle looks like, as if it has been changed or modified If the loading surface of the vehicle, The time that the vehicle spotted is covered, and if it shows up during a shift change When the vehicle is swaying or uncertain looks When the car seems to drive together with another vehicle in vote, If the vehicle, as it would be recently, off-road hazards When the persons in the vehicle to avoid the employees to view If the persons in the vehicle, observe the presence of the employee to be unusually strong If the people in the vehicle, try to remain undetected, or unusual behavior to show If the driver slows down the vehicle after he has seen the employees When the passengers seem to be dirty If there is information that in this Region or in a particular vehicle, smuggled it could be and… If the vehicle comes from a Region in which an Alarm

It was triggered so you always have a reason. Critics complain that the Border Patrol has too much leeway to circumvent laws and rights of citizens. “The documents show how arbitrary the actions of the authority,” said Mitra Ebadolahi of the ACLU to “The Intercept”. Also Sarah St. Vincent human rights organization Human Rights Watch is indignant: “Here’s the surveillance state. Everything happens under the guise of the law, but in fact, serious questions were raised to the practice.”

Illegal immigrants? The Border Patrol stops a car with the threat of gun violence. (Image: Reuters)

The documents published do not show all the work the US border guards. Parts of it were redacted by court decision or struck out, including the whole section on Monitoring. The Border Patrol uses to protect the border, including cameras, drones, and other technological AIDS. Often, it is converted military gear used in Afghanistan and Iraq.

The frontier guards at the Front wish for more and better of such Monitoring. In addition, they demand more staff to the illegal border traffic curb. This was shown last year, the report of a Senate Committee. By the way, less than 0.5 per cent of publicans said that it need a wall to protect the border.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 10.01.2019, 15:44 PM