the CAN GET majority rule: Erna’s dream of a majority rule may soon be a reality. Photo: Jørn Moen Show more

ever since the negotiations about a new government started the 2. January has dealers from the Right, the progress party, the Left and the christian democratic party has worked with the objective to reach agreement by Sunday 13. January.

Now, it appears that the internal deadline they have given themselves, can break.

None of the difficult stridssakene as abortion, immigration or climate is done negotiated, after the ” get lit. It is these issues that now are on the negotiating table after Erna Solberg yesterday came back from India.

LOTS LEFT: finance minister and progress party leader Siv Jensen has had meetings with a number of Frp representatives at Granavolden. Photo: Lars Eivind Bones Show more

Sources Dagbladet has talked to, think now there is a big chance that it could be both the Monday and Tuesday before a forhandlingsresultat exists.

the Parties decide

ultimately, it is not forhandlingsdelegasjonene, but in political party organs that decide whether a new platform can be approved.

In the Right, the Progress and Left it stortingsgruppene who has the last word, while landsstyrene is advisory. In the Frp is the national executive committee to turn thumbs up or down.

the Greatest pressure is on retailers from the Sector, which must provide a result as a divided party can gather about. In Frp, there is also a group that has rustled with sabers if they don’t get enough attention on innvandringsfeltet.


the Consideration of these, to be the cause of more of the Three most outspoken representatives has been called in for talks with the party retailers on Hadeland, such Aftenposten has described.

Partinestor Carl I. Hagen among them. He met the progress forhandlingsdelegasjon Tuesday, and told the paper that the difference in this way is considerably from last year’s negotiations on Jeløya.

– I don’t think the management choose to go to the national executive committee to have approved the agreement, without that they are reasonably confident in the majority. They show a completely different respect for the grassroots in the party now. I was not involved in Jeløya at all, ” says the Garden to Aftenposten.

Also Christian Tybring-gjedde and innvandringspolitisk spokesperson Jon Engen-Helgheim have been at meetings at Jeløya.

– There is more involvement and a better process than last year, ” says Helgheim.

Regjeringsslitasje Warns Siv Jensen: “the Grassroots “will click the”

the newspaper Aftenposten wrote on Tuesday that the increasing regjeringsslitasje is to explain why the Frp-leader Siv Jensen this time want a better anchoring.

Faced with the Daily points out the textured Frp the delegate that the compromises that the party has already entered into, is a heavy burden to carry.

– It can be perceived that there is a tear between the stortingsgruppa and ministers. Simply because time goes, and the distance becomes larger. Ministers living in their world and stortingsrepresentantene in their world, ” said Tybring-gjedde.

Erna Solberg acknowledges that an agreement is not clear, although the dealers at Hadeland were to agree.

It is a bit different organs of the different parties that determines the. We are not finished with an agreement before it has been through this approval process. It is only when we have an appointment, she says to Dagbladet.

Three Frp-votes prevented the full crisis Hareide on Granavold

Also, Right, Left, and His has had several roaming profiles on a visit.

Hareide la well known that the head on the block for a different direction for the party, and goes off when a regjeringsplattform exists.

He therefore participates not in the negotiations, but after the Review experience met KrFs dealers on Granavold twice: once together with KrFs reference group and once alone.

Hareides involvement was sharply criticized by Carl I. Hagen in the day, but criticism is rejected by the Sector.

– Vedum driver a cynical project Pengekrangel

Taxes, fees and inndekning shall also have created upset in the negotiations.

A source Dagbladet has talked with one of the other parties, pointing specifically at the KrFs requirements for costly lift within a number of welfare schemes, child benefit, pleiepenger and engangsstønad.

This shoot here back and remind you that also the progress party and the Right have issues that cost very much money, as langtidsplanen for the defense and expensive projects on transport.

Solberg will not comment on questions about the progress made in the negotiations or say anything about what kind of themes are affected.

That they should finally come to an agreement on the Gran, on the other hand, few, if any, doubt.

What remains when a contract is clear on Hadeland?

When the remains of the other little things, that to put people in the right department, ” she says with a smile.

It is at the moment in regjeringskampen