the President’s speech to the nation on Tuesday night has naturally received the most attention in the media this week, but one interview on “60 Minutes” with a 29-year-old newbie in the House of Representatives held on to steal the show. Phenomenon Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez from the Bronx in New York city has in record time become the face of a young, diverse and irreverent generation of democrats who have taken the congress at the autumn mellomvalg.

She calls himself a democratic socialist and sounds like a Norwegian sentrumspolitiker. Just listen what are the progressive issues she will fight for, according to the interview that went viral and attracted tremendous engagement across dividing lines; the ability to live of a salary, access to higher education, either at university, or vocational programs, the harder taxation of the superrike, more social housing policy, health care for all, more ambitious climate measures. She is, of course, feminist, advocate for queer rights and a sharp critic of Trumps grensepolitikk.

like several newcomers, she is not afraid to talk about’s impeachment. Her partifelle, Rashida Tlaib, Michigan, was shocked when she in a amatørvideo from a valgmøte shouted: “Impeach the motherfucker!”

Tlaib refused to apologize for speaking the way they do in her neighborhood, and pointed straight at the critic double standard. Hånlatteren sounded when a wrong Trump said that she had disgraced his family and been disrespectful towards presidentembedet.

The new times Washington. And it seems that the old guard doesn’t quite know what to do with the young. Old tricks do not work. All attempts to hang out Ocasio-Cortez, or the AOC as she is called, to be a rabid socialist or for the young and shameless, has turned back on the senders and granted an AOC even more positive attention.

In the interview with “60 minutes” she was asked by Anderson Cooper why she angered Trump and the republicans so violently. They seem somewhat obsessed with her.

“He manages well not to deal with a girl from the Bronx”, she replied with a wide grin.

It is certainly true. He is a overklassegutt from Queens who buy sex and treats women like crap. But there’s much that the AOC and the bunch of newcomers in the house of Representatives just laugh at them. Yes, even making fun of them. They are the cool gang in the school yard that sets the tone for what comes, but it must be allowed to bully the biggest bølla in the world. It is actually completely required.

That the democrats finally have acquired a sense of humor in the fight against Trump, doesn’t hurt either.

Nancy Pelosi (78), the leader in the house of Representatives, says Erna Solberg when she is confronted with fresh statements from the partifeller: “I would not have used exactly those words. I am after all an old grandmother.”

Her job is to cope with the Trump, but she must also deal with the new democrats who are impatient for the to drop to. Than as long as the look she out to to come to meet them, support and cheer for them. It could be that older female politicians find it liberating to younger women who refuse to describe themselves, so their generation was going to have to get a place at the table.

It’s not just about a more progressive politics, but also about the culture, clothing and language. More it is home dressed in national costumes from their family’s country of origin when they were sworn in. The AOC asked in bright red lipstick and large earrings. A little well ethnic, it was muttered. That is how elected officials from the Bronx looks, shot she back. Get used to it!

She could just as well said, that is the way women looks, after that generations before her have had to dress up in suits confusingly similar to men’s. Hillary Clinton “pantsuit” was a political phenomenon, a neutral brynje she ikledde to avoid attention about the appearance. It helped just to fit.

Now say a new generation that they refuse to be baffled. To the chants in social media and in their own electoral district, they already have a new agenda. The first reaction of the AOCs skatteutspill was indulgent hoderysting, but then began the discussion. Was this really so imaginative? Was it not on the contrary a tax policy even republican presidents had taken on the middle of the last century?

Should I be realistic , as is in power in Washington, its benefactors and lobbyists, a tenacious matter it is difficult to penetrate. However, there are some important reasons to be hopeful. It may look like the time is ripe for valgreform, especially when it comes to valgkampfinansiering. It will pave the way for a new breed of politicians, such as the sensations Beto ORourke who almost beat out Ted Cruz in the conservative Texas. He funded the campaign through grasrotbidrag.

It applies to several of the newcomers who have come into politics through activism and grasrotengasjement. Donald Trump is given much of the credit for this awakening, which has changed the composition of the house of Representatives. People who had never thought himself a political career, felt a calling to participate.

But Trump’s victory was just the latest sign of disease before Washington had set in motion a vaksineprogram.