The great transformation of the Zurich University quarter is a surprise bag, filled eggs with a Surprise. Although you know now, the first new buildings should look like, but much of it is in motion. This was evident when the urban civil engineering, head of Richard Wolff new ideas sketched out how you could transport to the 47’000 people, more 6000, the day-to-day to the high school district, commute. So many additional commuters are expected to be in the year 2045.

Wolff spoke of “utopian thought”, before he recorded the media conference image from Perugia. There was opened ten years ago, a so-called mini metro, which transported the people in the hilly, hard-to-erschliessbare old town. Every two minutes, a fully automated car with up to 20 passengers of a steel cable over the rails pulled, the part in the tunnel.

Two cable cars

The mini metro looks like a modern variant of the Zurich Polybahn – and that is exactly what the planners in the civil engineering Department: An underground Shuttle operation, the leads in an arc from the Central station via the centre of the University area to the train station Stadelhofen, with an additional stop at the peacocks. “Of course, the question of the feasibility and costs,” said Wolff. Both are currently being tested. A cable car connection to the high school district suggested last March also Kantonsräte of SP, FDP and CVP on – the-ground, however, an upper. The proposal found a majority in Parliament, is currently under examination in the Council of government.

Video: the Canton for the large-scale project advertises explains The plans in the short film. Video: Tamedia/Canton of Zurich

That in connection with the high school district always original traffic solutions popping up for a reason: The existing tram lines are not able to cope with the expected passenger growth. This is not possible even if the Cobras are to be replaced in 2035 by larger Trams and the line 5 from Bellevue, as well as the line 6 drive from Central more frequently, such as the cantonal total, calculates that traffic concept. “We meet there very quickly,” said Wolff on Tuesday, “the Central is now working to full capacity.”

another approach is to bring people from the train stations to walk to go to the high school district. Due to the height difference of 40 meters or more lifts are provided, in particular escalators or moving walkways. The city Council wanted to have concretized the plans up to the presentation of the results of the competition for the first new buildings. Since the publication of the total transport concept two years ago, but it has become clear that escalators will not be realized.

The Polybahn is preserved

first of all, the idea of Wolff’s predecessor, Filippo leutenegger, the Polybahn is to be replaced by an escalator, is definitely off the table. The ETH-real estate Director, said a year ago, this had been due to the expectable resistance, never seriously up for debate. Secondly, it also seems to be the Polysteig to lead on the right side of the Polybahn to the ETH, to be a variant, with the escalators off. In the meantime, the speech is only from a staircase.

Elsewhere, the rise of AIDS will remain an issue. On the one hand, in a tunnel, to connect the Central with the Uni-main building – where the Central Park will serve as a bike station. On the other hand, between the train station Stadelhofen and peacocks, a project that could be parallel to the station expansion will be realized. In both cases, there are rough estimates of the cost of construction: 10 to 20 million francs. Still unresolved is, according to Wolff, whether underground Connections attractive and secure.

While the city plays in the new buildings in the University quarter only a minor role in the transport solutions driving force. Goal is, according to previous statements by the city Council that up to the start of construction of the new University building by Herzog & de Meuron is resolved, what will be realized. In about three years, it should be so far.

Long traffic jams on the road

A final focus on the discharge of public TRANSPORT is to improve the Veloverkehrs. According to the transport concept of new cycle routes are needed, among other things, from peacocks along the Rämistrasse. For the controversial eye of the needle between Bellevue and peacocks signs of a solution for a year. The former civil engineering head of Leutenegger suggested to the municipal Council, the wall to return it to the high Promenade to provide space for a Bicycle trail. Sticking point is the cost of 50 million Swiss francs.

A blind spot in the debate ums high school district the traffic is yet. The gewerbeverband Zürich-Ost points in a critical opinion that is the only cantonal main road is to the East, tangent to the Limmat river. According to the traffic concept is to prevent slow traffic in the neighborhood. A Simulation on behalf of the Canton has revealed that the relocation of the tram stop at the nodes Rämi-/Gloria road will lead to longer queues, especially uphill. The traffic volumes are, however, to cope.


Created: 10.01.2019, 06:13 PM