The place couldn’t be more romantic: a star-glittering night sky, a flock of cactus parakeets beeps quietly in the bedroom, is a species of parrot, found only here. A protective wall of rock reflects the warm, illuminated by a mystical light. The visitors automatically expire in a whisper. Here is a küssendes Few to be immortalized, to be the first Image of this intimacy in the history of mankind.

Only a few tourists that night on the wood-paneled way to the rock wall of the Boqueirão da Pedra Furada. The Fund is the Highlight point in the national Park Serra da Capivara, in northeastern Brazil, in the state of Piauí. Thousands of years ago have left the first South American tracks. The rock wall is similar to a overwhelming, the cheerful ancient Comic: Red stick figure will dance, bounce, throw their arms in the air, or fully acrobatic art pieces. Others hunt deer or Emus. And in between, in the Crowd, two figures with round bellies, their heads inclined to each other: the kiss!

scientists maintain, however, with the interpretation of the drawings, because the prehistoric people who painted here in front of 6000 to a minimum of 12’000 years, the sand stone walls, hardly anything is known. Clear Niède Guidon, which takes place the next day in the Museum of the American man (Fumdham), the European group for the archaeologist: “Archaeologically considered, we are here in the richest area of the world.” In the Park, over 1300 sites have been discovered with drawings or fire, 173 of which are accessible for tourists.

Since 1991, part of the Unesco world cultural heritage

Guidon paintings, recognized as the First the value of the rock and has devoted her life to them. Today, the 85-Year-old forced, that the archaeological sites were in 1991 a Unesco world heritage site. You would like to boost tourism to international visitors to see the treasures and money for conservation to Piauí flows, the poorest Brazilian state.

calculations show that annually up to 3 million visitors could come, that would be 20 times as many as in the Swiss national Park. The reality is in the national Park Serra da Capivara in a different way: Just 16’700 guests in 2017. The Figures analysed by Uwe Know. The German native lived for over twenty years in Brazil, is well connected and works as a tour guide. He has organized the Tour and made the contact to his former Boss, Niède Guidon, because Woman was also once head of the national Park.

Colourful: artist Hostyano Machado in his garden in Teresina. Photo: Anke Fossgreen

It is the Dilemma against which the archaeologist has been struggling for decades: is aware of the weak infrastructure. Although it was opened on their own Initiative, three years ago, in the Middle of the São Raimundo Nonato airport, however, no machines to land there. Only accommodation for the tourists here need to, ask the Manager of the Airlines. The investors build, however, no Hotels, as long as there are no regular flight connections.

The arrival by car or Bus from Petrolina in the South-East or Teresina in the North remains so longer, but worth it. The national Park of Serra da Capivara is not only for the petroglyphs famous. The unique nature in the Region, the Caatinga is. The Indian word means “white forest”. No one knows the characteristic Flora as well as José Alves. The Professor of the University of Vale do São Francisco in petrolina, has written a comprehensive work about the extraordinary plants in the Region. “Here is the Bush forest-steppe meets the Atlantic rain forest,” he says of the tour group.

“White forest” is the name of the Caatinga, because in the dry season, the faded stems of the plants in the sun should be shining. Unimaginable for tourists who arrive between December and April.

Under the observation of rock Guinea pig

Alves, the small group leads to a lookout point over a round, intricately marbled rocks. A few Mocós, rock, Guinea pig, look like a rabbit with a Groundhog head, looking curious from the shaded columns. Larger animals such as anteaters, armadillos, or even a Jaguar to discover during the rain time in the seemingly never-ending Green. It cascades down in a long ago selected aschenes valley. Alves is anything other than a dry researchers. As the Tourist crowds him bombarded with questions, he suggests, to be in silence at the hands, listening to the Wind and to feel the magic of the place. While some members of the group– being very rational in the eyes, twisting, others come actually to the rest. Breathtakingly beautiful here.

enlarge map

Indeed, the extraordinary nature in large areas in Piauí, what Wellington Dias, Governor of the state, refers with Pride as he receives a short time later in the 500 km North of the Federal capital Teresina, the Europeans. On the way there, the Bus to the threat to the unique landscape, however, is apparent: Large areas of the Caatinga, the soybean cultivation to the victim. The nature conservation is developing in Brazil since the beginning of the year President Jair Bolsonaro hardly to the advantage of, the worry of the Locals. Bolsonaro, for example, has announced that the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, which is located about 3,000 kilometers to the North of Piauí.

A little bit cubism, a little bit of Chagall

open Back in civilization, in Teresina, travel Manager Uwe Know the group visit the gate not only all of the doors, but even a garden. Thus, a major contemporary artist lets us into his private chambers. Hostyano Machado has adorned the new airport of São Raimundo Nonato with works of art. Now he welcomes the tourists as friends. The little man, with flashing eyes, wears an artist’s beret on the head in Red, to match his similarly colored full beard. The facial hair looks, as Hostyano had invested themselves with brush and paint out of the tubes lie on a table in the Studio, pressed the Hand.

The wild garden and the bright, colorful property – complete with no window glass or doors, so the Wind sweeps through – reminiscent in a small format a little to the garden of the Tarot, created by Niki de Saint Phalle and Jean Tinguely in the Toscana. Large-scale paintings and quirky sculptures everywhere. In the Pool, which is designed with colorful mosaics, guests lose the awe. You splash, giggling like children.

goodbye Hostyano gives everybody a charcoal pencil sketch, a little bit cubism, a little bit of Chagall.

The trip was supported by the Federal state of Piauí.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 10.01.2019, 17:57 PM