At first glance, it is a person like many others: the Minister of health, Jens Spahn, has brought to the beginning of the year, a new Working as a reinforcement for its planning Department. However, in the case of the obligation of the renowned social scientist Timo Lochocki, it is not just a health policy. Spahn shows that he also intends to after his defeat in the battle for the CDU chair of the Central political topics of wide and beyond the borders of his / her Department and beyond.

Spahns goal: the trust of the citizens of new win

Lochocki was working “has always been the question of how moderate political forces can prevent disappoint voters moving to the political Extremes,” it says in the description of the 33-Year-old by the Ministry. The decisions on health policy would have “a very concrete impact on the everyday life of the citizens”. Therefore, the opportunity is “here to win trust.” Spahn had done this from the beginning of his term, to the task. “Dr. Lochocki is here to bring his international and scientific perspective and experience in the work of his house.”

an expert on right-wing populism: Spahns new employee Timo Lochocki.Photo: promo

in fact, has Spahns of new employees in the past few years, less with health policy as with the right-wing populism. At the Humboldt-University in Berlin and received a doctorate Lochocki 2014 as to the reasons for the descent and ascent of right-wing populist parties in Western Europe. After that, he was University lecturer in Political communication and European policy at the Humboldt University and Bard College in Berlin, and taught from August to December 2018 as the “James Knox Batten Visiting Professor” at Davidson College in the United States.

Practical proposals to the AfD

The topic of right-wing populism to push back remained to the scientist in his book, “The confidence formula” loyalty, in the autumn of 2017 appeared to him in the political Berlin is suddenly made known. Therein Lochocki developed practical proposals on how the national parties are pushing in this country, the AfD back and their harmful influence can be minimized.

The author is convinced that the decline of the liberal order in the United States (Donald Trump) and in the UK (Brexit) can be repeated with a few years delay-also in Germany – and that the policy is only little time left to counter.

scientists advises the use of “civil compromise,” in the politics of migration

Lochocki recommends a “civil compromise”. So he says to Clear the often, the debate is dominating the migration topic, the AfD voters drift towards. “There has to be a migration policy that is anchored in the conservative wing of the CDU/CSU and SPD, because only then will these forces keep silent,” he said in an Interview to his book. It is this compromise allowed the Union and the SPD to contend with public concern over economic and social policy, because they have in these areas, high competence values.

As a successful example of such a “civil compromise” is the name Lochocki the asylum compromise between the Union and the SPD from the year 1992, the abgrub at that time, the previously emerging “Republicans”.

the CDU and the FDP have sought to contact the author of the book

Lochockis book achieved an effect far beyond the scientific room. Top politicians of the CDU and the FDP, as well as employees of the Chancellery sought to contact the young author. Jens Spahn was able to convince Lochocki then, he is lifted with his program for the strengthening of German democracy against right-wing populism in the Ministry of health. The obligation of the scientist but also as a Signal not to read that Spahns ambition is limited to the field of health policy and the CDU-politician is working systematically to build his political analysis and ability to act.