During Wednesday launched the five-day-long debate, such that there is a vote on prime minister Theresa Mays Brexitförslag.

The uk house of commons speaker John Bercow decided, despite strong criticism from the conservative party, to the house of commons would vote on the proposed addition which is now forcing the Theresa Mays of the government, within three working days to present a new Brexitplan, if her current proposal is not voted through in the house of commons on Tuesday next week.

Sarah Wollaston describes the addition as a way to try to prevent the british government from the ”let the clock run out” and thus allow the country to leave the EU without an agreement. If the proposed amendment had not been voted through, the government has 21 days before they need to act in Brexitfrågan in the house of commons again. today’s results mean that the government, instead, has to Monday 21 January.

Opponents to the Theresa Mays proposals have argued that the government is willing to partly postpone a vote so far as it is possible, but also the accused in order to try to present the prime minister’s proposal as the only alternative to a Brexit without a contract. The proposed addition is intended to prevent the house of commons from bakbindas in anticipation of a hard Brexit.

”If and when the prime minister’s plan will be overruled on Tuesday, so can’t the members of parliament are forced to wait for potentially 12 February to vote the next time, the situation is urgent already now,” said Labour party member Chris Leslie to the Guardian.

organ Dominic Grieve and is an indication of the fragmentation that exists in the conservative party the current prime minister Brexitplan. Theresa May has previously admitted that it will be difficult to get through to her proposal, which met with strong opposition from both sides of the house of commons.

the Extension is linked to the five-day-long debate in the house of commons that will culminate in a vote on the Theresa Mays Brexitavtal, the addition contributes to an already stressful situation for the prime minister.

in Addition to the already uncertain vote scheduled for Tuesday next week, so have the Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn for several weeks, threatened with a vote of no confidence against the current government.

yet another major blow for the Theresa Mays of the government, on Monday voted in favour of the british house of commons, through another addition, which may limit the government’s power at the skatteadministrering at a avtalslöst Brexit.

the Debate in the house of commons was marked initially by a rancorous tone of voice and the president also had to endure criticism. Adam Holloway, a member of the conservative Tories accused to be biased in Brexitfrågan, when John Bercows car would have a sticker with the derogatory words about the Brexit. The president took seemingly the charge with the ro.

the Sticker that comes to Brexit sitting on the windshield on my wife’s car. And I am sure that the honorable lord who asked the question not for a moment would suggest that a wife in any way is a man’s property. She has the right to their own opinions and the sticker is not mine, so it was slutdiskuterat, said John Bercow and tore down applause from the large parts of the assembly.

Shortly after three o’clock Swedish time, the house of commons vote on the proposed amendment. The result of the vote was that the 308 members voted for the proposal while 297 voted against.