7.9% in November – the lowest unemployment rate in the Eurozone for the past ten years. The best of the Czech Republic performs – with 1.9 percent. But there were also double-digit values, such as in Greece.

Holger Romann, ARD-Studio Brussels

only from Germany, but also from the Eurozone, good news from the labour market continue to come. Thus, the number of unemployed has fallen to the latest data of the Luxembourg statistics Agency Eurostat in a common currency area for the first time in a long time under the Eight-percent mark. In November, it was exactly at 7.9 percent – the lowest value since the onset of the financial crisis, so for around ten years.

better Yet, if you look at the whole of the EU with its currently 28 member States. Here are Eurostat figures for November unemployment rate of 6.7 percent. This value is the lowest since the start of monthly records in January 2000. EU-wide, thus at the end of last year, around 16.5 million people without a Job. In the Eurozone, the number was about 13 million.

the Czech Republic in front – Germany

Broken down by countries the Czech Republic has the nose in front. There employment, with a rate of 1.9 per cent, virtually full. The Motor of the boom, is in addition to the chemical and IT industry, especially the automotive industry. Behind the Czech Republic at number two in Germany follows with 3.3 percent. This is due to the different calculation method significantly under the, with the help of the Federal Agency operates. Similar to Germany, the Netherlands are currently.

Also in Germany unemployment is at a low level.

propping up Greece and Spain

On the lower end of the statistics, the usual picture: the tail lights hot Greece and Spain, with high double-digit values. However, the situation has improved in the labour market in the former crisis countries continuously.

tailwind for the European elections

in may’s upcoming European elections, the Figures of the EU Commission and national governments. Both can refer to a robust upswing in the past years. It’s a question of how long the upward trend will continue. In the face of growing risks, as global trade conflicts and with a view of the Brexit, or the budget fight with Italy, the forecast of the Economics Commissioner, Pierre Moscovici, last caution.

unemployment in the Eurozone is now under eight percent
Holger Romann, BR Brussels
09.01.2019 14:39 PM

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