The fear of her family, who had fled Saudi Arabia Rahaf Mohammed al-Kunun, according to Australian government figures from the UN refugee Agency, UNHCR relief as a refugee. The UNHCR had asked Australia to “examination of a Refugee” in the case of al-Kunun, according to the Australian Ministry of the interior in Canberra on Wednesday. This is happening now “the usual way” as in other asylum cases.

health Minister Greg Hunt had previously said that a visa on humanitarian grounds is to be examined for the 18-Year-old is “very, very, very seriously”, if you get refugee status from the UNHCR.

Al-Kunun had been landed on the run from her family at the weekend, with a machine out of Kuwait in Bangkok by the Thai immigration authority stopped. On a first face deportation threatened to Saudi Arabia, abandoned by the authorities after al-Kunun made on their fate in the short message service Twitter to the attention of the world’s waves hit.

The 18-Year-old was wanted to ask on Sunday by Thai and saudi Arabian Official during a stopover at the airport of Bangkok to travel to Australia are detained, where they for political asylum. Thailand initially wanted to comply with the requirement of Saudi Arabia after the delivery of Alqunun. After the woman was able to barricade, but in a hotel room and on Twitter about the reasons for their Flight voice, a diversification of international human rights groups and Western diplomats in the case. Thailand gave in to international pressure and said the transfer of al-Kunun.

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After escaping from the family of Saudi Arabia are to be deported from Thailand

al-Kunun has a forced marriage by her parents and Islam, renounced. The latter applies in a strictly conservative Islamic Saudi Arabia as a punishable by death Offense. (AFP, KNA)