Anne-Elisabeth Hagen (68) to have been kidnapped from their own homes at Lørenskog 31. October of last year. Since that time, the wife of billionaire Tom Hagen (68) has been without a trace disappeared.

LAWYER: Svein Holden is a lawyer for the Garden-the family. He briefed the press about the kidnappingssaken in the day. Photo: Vegard Wivestad Grøtt / NTB scanpix Show more

the Family’s lawyer Svein Holden holds in the afternoon a briefing about the case on behalf of the family.

the Review follows the press conference.

Found the letter in the residence

the Case is being investigated as a deprivation of liberty, and the subject is believed to be financial gain.

At the end of October, it was found a letter in the couple’s home in Lørenskog in Akershus, norway. Nothing to indicate that someone has broken into the residence. In the letter to gisseltakerne have set forth a claim for the ransom in the form of 9 million euro in kryptovalutaen Monero – about 85 million nok. In addition, it has been made serious threats against the missing woman.

Close business partner got sjokkbeskjeden yesterday: – Thought Anne-Elisabeth was seriously ill

the Garden has earned big on real estate and kraftsalg, and according to the Capital a fortune of 1.7 billion and is thus Norway’s 172. richest.

the married Couple, the Garden lives in a detached house in Lørenskog in Akershus, and leads a secluded lifestyle. Police believe she was abducted from the residence on the morning of or the morning 31. October, which was also the date of Halloween.

DRIVERS: Anne-Elisabeth Hagen (68) to have been abducted from their home in Lørenskog in Akershus, norway. Reporter: Audun Hageskal. Video: Templates Storrusten / Google Earth Show more – Have been in contact

According to police, there has been contact between the suspected kidnappers and the Garden-the family via a digital communication service. Police have urged the family to not meet the requirement of the ransom.

the Police have assessed the risk for other families

– It has been a very limited contact with the counterparty. The perpetrator has selected the digital communications platform that in a very small degree, enables communication. It has not, until now, been no oral contact, ” says the head of intelligence and investigation in the East standings, Tommy Brøske.

the Police has as of now no suspects in the case.

– There has not come a heartbeat from the offended person. There has, however, not come a sign that she is alive, ” says Brøske.

the Police now have no indication of where she might be, and she says both can be located outside and within the country’s borders. They don’t know if she has been held at the same place during the entire period.

Disappeared in ten weeks

It’s been ten weeks since the disappearance, and the police have driven an extensive and somewhat secret investigation of the kidnapping.

Now ask, however, about the tips in the investigation.

– Completely unthinkable that this could happen in our neighborhood

Fornærmedes residential property is located at the walking area Go on Fjellhamar in Lørenskog. Police ask people who have been in this area in the morning or in the early morning of Wednesday 31. October, in the days in advance, or those that walk in this area regularly, to sign up to the police.

the Police want tips and information from people who may have registry activity, not necessarily suspicious in the area or nearby.

We remind that the day was Halloween and that many might remember the day because of this, ” says Brøske.

the East police district has responsibility for the investigation. They get the assistance of Kripos, Økokrim, Europol and Interpol. In addition, the police special unit for gisselforhandlinger, which is under the Oslo police district, connected.

Tip the police on or on tipstelefon 64 81 95 99.

a Billionaire on the cabins and electricity – has said that he does not think about wealth