They had seen a clip of me singing on Instagram, so when they asked if I could come by the office a little earlier and make a plan, ” says Philip Andreas Rustad (21).

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He came on the niendeplass in the talent program “Idol” on TV 2 in autumn, and refer to it as an “extremely clean experience”, from start to finish. The production company Fremantle, which produces the program, has provided for it.

Rustad will recommend the treatment he received on the way into the program. He was never in a milelang queue outside auditionlokalene, how you see on TV.

even though he submitted a written application as any other, he ended up with the special treatment. Rustad was the subject of the so-called “outreach casting”.

I would estimate that between 20 and 30 per cent of participants are sought out in advance, ” says Petter Testmann-Koch, managing director of Fremantle.

QUEUE: In 2004, there was a long queue outside auditionlokalene to “Idol”. Photo: Eagle E. Borgen / SCANPIX Show more Looking the land and the beach

Outreach casting has been the practice ever since the “Idol” went on the air in Norway for the first time in 2003, tells Testmann-Koch.

– to ensure a diversity, both when it comes to talent, gender, geography and age, we are looking around the country. There is no set answer on how we find undiscovered talent. It is just to be creative, ” he says.

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A team of five, six people are actively working to prowl the online music schools, networks, lokalpresse and social media. Then stretching out an arm to the talents, who will be invited to apply.

– All that will be need to register in the application system work, regardless of whether we find them or they find us, ” he says.

But the path from registration to audition in front of judges, is not the same for all.

“Relax queue”

Before they come to the judges, all participants must through something called “pre-casting”, where they sing for and get to know castingteamet. Rustad was really on a larger organized pre-casting, as most do, and later at the audition in Oslo.

instead, the song I a singing for them at the office their when I was there. They liked what they heard, so when to pay for travel and accommodation to the audition with the judges in Trondheim. I don’t know why, but it made sure that I left a bit of a queue on the pre-castingen up there, so it was delicious, ” he says.

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Rustad was also with a psychologist in the office of the Fremantle both before and after the audition.

She checked if I had any problems, that I got enough sleep and stuff like that. It is amazing that they offer it, ” says Rustad.

“Not unfair”

Fremantle-chief Testmann-Koch do not think it is unfair that the participants who Rustad get the special treatment.

– There is nothing unfair in Idol, because everyone who stands in front of the judges do it on equal terms. There are no rules for how we do pre-cast. Most do it in a matter of days before in auditionlokalene, but some do it with us in the office. The judges know anyway not to who has done what.

Furthermore, he explains that all participants are offered a psychologist if they want it.

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– do you Have problems to get enough talent to the competition?

– No, there are still many who opt-in. And with that “Idol “will be sent every two years, fostres up a new generation in the meantime. Some are old enough to be with at the time. Had the program gone every year, had gone a little tråere. We have a responsibility to manage the format further, and then probably every two years makes sense.

Not alone

the Singer Philip Rustad says that the competition his not reacted negatively to this.

There were several others who had a similar path, he says.

In this year’s “Idol”program was made a fixture on one of the participants who were canvassed, Kristian Raanes (22). He finished in second place.

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It is true that the huka hold of me yes, he says to Dagbladet.

Raanes, however, would not comment on what happened behind the camera in castingprosessen his. In the weft, he did an impromptu audition at home in his apartment, in front of the presenter Katarina Flatland.

– I prefer to let the release stand, ” he says.

the Winner

the Newspaper has confirmed that Emma Noor (16), which came on the tiendeplass, was sought out by castingteamet.

the Winner of the contest, Øystein Hegvik (18), applied, however, for own machine. But also his application was a result of the castingteamets outreach work.

my Teacher on the premises had received a mail, where they wondered if she had any students who would like to be with. Sanglæreren thought I should try, so was we were a bunch from there that went together. Now I’m very happy for it, ” he says.

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