After the brutal attack on the Bremen AfD country Manager Frank Magnitz first light comes into the darkness: video shots show, according to police, two people approach the 66-year-old politician from the rear, and a third runs offset to it. One of the Unknown reflected Magnitz, then the Trio fled. The AfD speaks of a “murder plot”. Party Deputy Georg Pazderski calls for greater protection for AfD leaders. So far, only a few politicians in the AfD get state protection of persons, such as Beatrix von Storch and Björn Höcke. In at least one of the parties represented in the Bundestag agree that they condemn the act of violence in the strongest possible terms.

Seehofer and Spahn want to prove Digital literacy

After, in the case of a large data Klaus a guilty is found, wants to prove to the Minister Horst Seehofer digital competence. He promises an extended version of the IT security act. The fully occupied Federal press conference announced Seehofer yesterday also, he was, by the way “also in the Internet on the go” – in fact, since the 80s. So he would have been in his younger years a bit of a Nerd, because the first commercial Browser came only at the beginning of the 90s on the market.

The data hack also throws new light on the digital plans of the Minister of health, Jens Spahn. Wants to allow citizens access to their patient records via a Smartphone. Experts: highly dangerous. “People are walking into a trap, you can’t assess the risk at all,” says Hartmut Pohl, spokesman for IT security at the society for computer science. The Bavarian specialist doctors Association is called the Spahn planned electronic patient file – note pun – “Spahn sense”. But at least there is good news from the health front: Spahn brings to daily mirror information of lübeck is a CDU member of the Bundestag Claudia Schmidtke as a new patient representative. In contrast to its predecessor, the medical Professor and heart surgeon has even idea of the matter.

Schulz argue with the Ambassador about Brexit

Martin Schulz has delivered on the beginning of the year retreat of the SPD-country groups of North Rhine-Westphalia and lower Saxony/Bremen in Osnabrück in a fierce exchange of blows with the British Ambassador Sir Sebastian Wood and a look at his own Failure to be thrown. Wood defended the skeptical SPD members of the Brexit as necessary. Schulz, a former President of the European Parliament, disagreed vehemently. David Cameron as Prime Minister the EU-opponents, without an Emergency, the Instrument of the referendum in the Hand – while trying to defend his position as party Chairman. “I know,” said Schulz on Cameron’s Distress: “If You as the party leader want to survive – not quite simple…” Be a party Sigmar Gabriel agreed with him: “what Is it…” he cried.

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politics can be a thankless business, also lives Elmar Broker. Since time immemorial, the CDU-man in the European Parliament is sitting, but now he was not prepared. And not because they did not want him. Armin Laschet, CDU-chief in North Rhine-Westphalia, urged even, to lift him from the agreed sixth place on the list. However, the fit a number of district princes. As Mr Brok then wanted to go back to the six, he lost the vote. Brok reserves the right, to the end of the country delegates ‘ Assembly once a start – up but that the works, many feel that it is unlikely. And so, a political accident that could have ended his career.

It was the Breaking News of the Saxony-CDU at the weekend: The well-known Dresden political scientist Werner Patzelt to help, to write the electoral programme for the parliamentary election. In the case of the SPD, Left and Greens, the fear that he opens the door for an Alliance between the CDU and the AfD is now growing. Because Patzelt Merkel-critics is regarded as Pegida-understander, and has brought a black-and-blue cooperation several times in the past into the conversation. Now, as the official CDU-choice of fighters, doesn’t sound Patzelt something more moderate: “To fight the AfD, by explaining to the Partner,” he said the “Cicero”. All other CDU land chief Michael Kretschmer had not heard too well not to fond of.

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Frank Magnitz video footage of the attack on Bremen the AfD-politician, evaluated

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