trade and industry minister Rasmus Jarlov langer in a Tweet out after the Royal Bank after the bank on Monday announced that in the future, will not issue Visadankort as a total solution, but instead will offer their customers betalingsmidlerne seperately.

the Minister believes the move may be that consumers ultimately are going to pay more for their goods, when they are acting in the Danish shops.

‘Must be a percentage of the payments in the Danish stores in the future go to VISA or MasterCard, because Dankortet disappear? The government has a hard time seeing any advantages. Dankortet saves the Danish stores for large sums of money and keep the prices down slightly in Denmark,’ writes Jarlov.

Rasmus Jarlov elaborates in a text message to the news agency Ritzau that he has no further regulation on the way right now:

– We shall be without prejudice to regulation, because the Jyske Bank takes this move. But in the long term we’ll do what we can to ensure Dankortets future.

During the finansordfører, Benny Engelbrecht, believe that Dankortet is a huge advantage for both consumers and businesses.

– If the banks want to live up to their social contract, they should actively contribute to the Dankortet is also a central option, when you have to pay in the future, he writes on Twitter.

Monday defended Jyske Bank’s CIO, Peter Trier Schleidt, why the customers of the bank will now need to have two cards instead of one.

– It is the right one. We would like to give customers the choice. Give them the opportunity to choose how they will pay. As it is with a Visadankort, you will not be asked which card you pay with. It gets the forward, said Peter Trier Schleidt to Ekstra Bladet.

He assured at the same time, that it would not be expensive for the customers, when it came to payment for the individual maps without that would relate to the possibly greater fees for the use of Visakortet.