on Wednesday morning, writes the newspaper Aftenposten that Anne-Elisabeth Falkevik Garden (68) has been missing from his home outside Oslo in ten weeks. The police have worked with the matter secretly, but choose now to go out with savnetmelding.

the Garden is married to investor Tom Hagen (68), which is among Norway’s wealthiest people. He stands at 172. space on the kapital’s previous list of Norway’s richest people with an estimated fortune of 1.7 billion – mainly earned on the property and the sale of electricity.

According to VG, there are set requirements for the ransom – the whole nine millions euro in kryptovaluta, i.e. around 85 million Norwegian kroner.

This requirement makes the police believe they face a kidnappingssak, writes the newspaper.

It must have been contact with the kidnappers, through a digital platform. In addition to the requirement of the ransom is made threats about what happens if the requirement is not being met.

Løsepengekravet shall be set in kryptovalutaen Monero, according to the School information.

There is no one who knows who has created Monero. Kryptovalutaen to be completely anonymous, in contrast to the more well-known Bitcoin, where transactions are traceable, the Current Business previously written.

This means that it is impossible to determine with certainty who is sending how much of kryptovalutaen Monero, and to whom.

Police are holding a press conference about the supposed’s abduction from bjarmaland at 11 am Wednesday morning, and the management of the investigation will not respond to questions before this.

the Review follows the case.

the Wife of one of Norway’s richest men missing in ten weeks. Set forth requirements for the ransom