At Audi’s headquarters in Ingolstadt, Germany, is the probably very few who speak mandarin. But perhaps they should practice.

Audi’s sales figures in China (the brand’s largest market, red.) is gradually the only thing that speaks against that the German car maker finds itself in an acute crisis. Here shoots the sales figures: in the weather, while all other places have steep course downward.

in recent months, Audi’s sales figures raslet down in Europe – with 56 percent compared to the same month of the previous year in september, with 53 percent in October and 34 percent in november. The european sales figures for december are not yet put forth.

Now, the crisis looked to have crossed the Atlantic ocean and reached the UNITED states, where there has been a flaskehalssituation. Audi is simply running out of cars in north America, which has led to the US-sales in december declined by 16 percent.

It is especially popular A3, A4 and A5 models, there is a hit, writes USA Today.

Audi’s lack of cars in the UNITED states is according to the VW-owned car manufacturer even a result of the situation in Europe, where the switch to the new WLTP-method of measurement has caused storeproblemer.

In september 2018 was the old method to test the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions, NEDC, scrapped in favor of a new and more rigorous method, WLTP, in all EU countries. Audi and all other car manufacturers have even had the task to make the necessary upgrades, but not all are released equally well from the shift.

Audi is one of the car manufacturers, who have been hardest hit by the changes. And now creates dårligdommene thus, shocks in the UNITED states, where the German car manufacturer may find themselves in delays, when the need to have its cars certified with the american authorities.

Audi spokesman Mark Dahncke tells to USA Today, to the range of models is expected to be back on the right track the end of the month or at the beginning of February.

In a second american-european Audi-news could Autoblog last week reveal that the VW-owned car maker has placed its ’European Delivery’concept, where the americans through the purchase of an Audi got the 5 percent discount and a trip to Europe with the purchase.

in particular, as the Audi customer is invited to either Ingolstadt or Neckarsulm to pick up his newly purchased car fresh from the production hall – which could give its jomfrutur on the european roads. When one was tired of playing bilturist in Europe, returned to his car, and Audi would then arrange for shipping to one’s home address in the UNITED states.

in Addition to the got a tour of the factory where your car was produced, like the Audi held various expenses for food and lodging.

the Concept was introduced in 2006, and on Autoblog describes the dismantling of the ’European Delivery’concept as a ’super disappointing decision’.