US President Donald Trump emphasized in a televised address to the Nation, the alleged urgency for the construction of a wall on the border to Mexico. He warned of a growing “humanitarian crisis” and a security crisis at the southern border. The US could no longer immigrants illegally across the border.

Trump called on the Democrats, their Blockade against the funding of the wall from budgetary funds, in order to end the dispute, since the 18 days, parts of the government to a standstill.

“All Americans hurts illegal immigration,” said Trump, who sat at the speech in Prime time on Tuesday evening (local time) at his Desk in the Oval Office. You will be a burden on public budgets and lead to fewer Jobs and lower wages.

“This is a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul,” said Trump. “This is the cycle of human suffering, I am determined to finish it.” The US President refused to declare a national state of emergency due to the crisis Situation on the border. This Option, he had brought in the past few days into the game.

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Trump will order again earlier allegations of repeated, illegal immigrants bring higher crime and more drug in the United States. He cited some cases in which, according to its portrayal of illegal immigrants, US citizens would be killed. “How much blood must we shed before the Congress is doing its job?”, Trump said, referring to the budget dispute his Republicans with the Democrats, whose main conflict of the construction of the wall is to Mexico.

The construction of a border wall with Mexico is a key election campaign promise Trumps. The Democrats are fighting back against the suggestion of the President, to Finance the wall as a result of budget funds.

Trump gave in his speech, once again the Democrats take the blame for the Shutdown. “The government’s standstill continues for one reason only: The Democrats want to spend money for border security,” said Trump. She refused consent for a border wall $ 5.7 billion. The Democrats did not want to acknowledge the crisis at the border, said Trump. They refused, and the border guards to give the much-needed funds, “in order to protect our families and our Nation.”

The only solution is that the Democrats agreed to a budget that guarantee the security of the border and the Shutdown of the government end, said Trump. “The Situation could be solved in a 45-minute Meeting.”

Democrats: Trump decides to “fear, not facts”

Leading Democrats defended promptly against the allegations. “President Trump to stop, to take the Americans hostage. He has to stop to construct a crisis,” said Nancy Pelosi, the Chairman of the US house of representatives and most powerful opponent of the President.

Pelosi accused Trump misinformation and “malicious intent”. “The President has opted for fear. We want to start with the facts,” she said.

your party friend, Senator Chuck Schumer, said that most U.S. presidents have used speeches to the Nation from the Oval Office for noble residents. “This President uses the Oval Office as a Background to fabricate a crisis to instill fear and confusion in his Administration to distract,” said Schumer.

Trump have targeted in the debate over the border wall, and during his entire presidency, always on fear and not on facts. “Schism, not unity,” added Schumer.

Before the speech Trumps Schumer had spread via Twitter a Video in which Trump in a cutting repeated his earlier statement, Mexico will have to pay for the border wall. Trump said in his speech, the wall will directly or indirectly financed by the new trade agreements of the USA with Mexico.

US media such as CNN have started already during trump’s speech, a fact check of his claims. The US President said about that in the U.S. this year, more citizens by the use of drugs would die than in the entire Vietnam war. While CNN comes to the conclusion that trump is the information misleading, since they are not differentiated between the deaths by consumption of illicit drugs and dead by the consumption of products that have been medically prescribed.

other allegations Trumps appreciated CNN as false. So it is not a voice, for example, that the Democrats wanted to spend money for border security. According to CNN, the Democrats have a say in the current dispute over the budget of 1.3 billion dollars for the security of the borders, but not the Trump required more than five billion dollars for the border wall.

Jim Acosta, CNN chief White house correspondent, said, trump’s speech was talk about a rehash of his rhetoric from the Election campaign. You should be provided with the note: “caution, dangerous for the truth.”

in Front of trump’s speech, had warned the US Vice-President Mike Pence already faces a real crisis on the southern border of the USA and thus to set the mood. Pence said in a TV interview of a real emergency. Each month, 60,000 people trying to illegally come into the country, in the majority of families and unaccompanied children. “Overwhelmed by simply all the possibilities of our border protection officials,” said Pence. “We need more resources. We need to build a wall.”