you have a study to examine how the incentives to work for recipients of social benefits can be increased. What is your integration approach for social assistance recipients?
speaking of activating the social assistance : We don’t should pay for help only unconditionally, but to associate a good part of a counter-performance, which consists for example of participation in an integration program. For this to work, and financially viable, one has to reduce the basic needs. There is too little incentive for such programs to participate in, or it is no longer financially viable.

The Swiss conference for social assistance (Skos), a study, a reduction of the basic needs for the people has to follow drastic. Who could not participate in such a program, would gnaw on the hunger cloth.
If there is, indeed, a relevant number of people, which can not provide such a consideration, then that would be already a Problem today, because the benefits can be reduced. Then you should investigate what groups of people are. I assumed, however, that it should be possible, because the Skos itself has reduced in 2005, the amount for basic needs and in turn, integration allowances. It brings nothing, if you send a 64-Year-olds in a programme of work, but in the case of a 22-Year-old.

If, however, any social assistance should be linked to a training or employment program, then you save on the social help nothing, but still needs more money. Because such programs cost the state something.
Yes, of course. In the social policy there is a Trilemma: The level of social security is to receive, the services must remain affordable and at the same time work incentives are to be created. The study of the Skos is now saying that the basic needs must not be reduced. But if you want to make the welfare-to-work financially viable, then it is necessary to reduce the basic needs. Otherwise there is no incentive for welfare recipients to participate.

But there will always be people for whom employment integration is almost not possible, or only with a huge support effort. This is a part of the refugees, but also in the case of frail or older long-term unemployed.
In the case of the Elderly, it makes indeed little sense to put strong incentives to work. The refugees are often lack of language skills. Therefore, to make the support dependent on the visit to the language courses. In the case of a 22-year-old Eritrean, the Same applies, in principle, as in the case of a young adult who grew up in Switzerland. He should come in a program that allows you to work integration.

The SVP calls in the Canton of Basel country, the level of which depends on the social assistance of which, how long has the person worked previously and paid taxes. What do you think?
I understand the point: Who will be sent after decades of work through no fault of the employer, in the desert, in which the state not to skimp on. But the social assistance is a requirement and not an insurance payment. AHV, IV, and unemployment insurance, work on this principle. But it would be pushing, if the social assistance completely from the deposits made subject to would. It’s the last social safety net – it should be graded according to the reasonable integration effort.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 08.01.2019, 19:44 PM