the DMI is warning on Tuesday that the ‘violent’ and ‘dangerous weather’ can hit Denmark.

There is issued warning of increased water levels, and DMI expects a water level of between 1.2 and 1.5 metres above normal sea level in areas where the weather hits hardest.

‘Be prepared that fierce wind combined with elevated water levels can lead to local coastal flooding and considerable damage to dunes, dikes, ports and buildings. The public are advised to avoid travelling and staying in the threatened coastal areas,’ writes the DMI.

According to the DMI will be the worst along the north Funen coast, but the water level is expected to rise in several places: The southwestern part of the Kattegat, the great belt and the northern part of the island Lolland, denmark, in Odense Fjord, Issefjorden and Roskilde Fjord.

Across the country can also expect much blown both Tuesday and Wednesday, and there is a risk that the Bridge closes completely or partially to traffic.

– The wind is now gale force winds and gusts just under gale force down through the Kattegat and the great belt – and also across the country. The wind comes over when in the north, and it also means that the wind can cause problems for the great belt Bridge, says Klaus Larsen, who is the meteorologist at DMI.

According to Klaus Larsen culminates with the dramatic weather in most places around two o’clock and five the night to Wednesday.

the Danish emergency response, there is the municipal beredskabers fællesorganisation, is preparing right now for a busy afternoon and evening.

That watertubes and sandbags, and prepare personnel for the challenges, telling the Danish emergency response in a press release.

‘When the wind comes and the water rises, so it is not just a usual effort beredskaberne. This requires significantly more equipment and manpower than by the events, one usually considers beredskabets concern’, writes the Danish emergency response.