“The elderly woman had a pressure sore down to the spine”

“A one-handed 78-year-old woman in Östersund, sweden, was in his home in a month with a painful pressure sore on the back. “

“When the daughter discovered the wound in June of last year there was a four inch deep infected krater with death of tissue, reports the SVT News and P4 Jämtland.”

“– It was jättedjupt. After the surgery, you could see exactly how deep it was, then saw the backbone, ” says the woman’s daughter to SVT.”

“the Inspection for health care (Ivo), now the city of Östersund. According to the Ivo has the home told home care that the wound seen bad, but health care has not dealt with it. ”

“the Municipality’s own investigation has led to an additional district nurses have been hired, and that training was carried out.”

“– It is only to regret that it went this far. Nurses should be able to put on the wound, but here it has failed, ” says Lisa Marklund, head of unit in home care, to SVT.”