“Greece’s coalition close to crack”

“Greece’s governing coalition, led by the administration of Alexis Tsipras, is as close to crack as a result of disagreement on the issue of neighbouring Macedonia’s name.”

“the Next Greek parliamentary elections, which will take place at the latest in October, may come much earlier than that.”

“It is tvärnej to the agreement on the change of name to Nordmakedonien for the neighboring country in the north of the Greek minister of defence Panos Kammenos, the leader of the right-wing populist party Independent greeks (Anel) – the smaller of the governing coalition’s two parties.”

“the Anel leader is thus on a collision course with prime minister Alexis Tsipras and the other governing party, Syriza, when it comes to the protracted namndispyten. Kammenos, has threatened that his party will leave the governing coalition if the deal is ratified by the Greek parliament.”

“the name issue has been sensitive ever since the then republic of Macedonia broke free from the crumbling Yugoslavia in 1991. In Greece, many believe that the name ”Macedonia” can be seen as a claim on the three regions in the north of Greece, called West, Middle and East Macedonia.”

“The Greek party, New democracy leader, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, fresh air in namnkonflikten. The leader of the opposition opposes, as well as Kammenos, the controversial and so-called Prespa agreement, except to identify the name Nordmakedonien in practice means that Greece stops blocking the neighbouring country’s membership in Nato and the EU.”

“Mitsotakis hope that namnstriden’ll end up with a no-confidence vote from the parliament in Athens against the Tsipras government and thus pave the way for new elections. He’s aiming for early elections in may, at the same time as it is held regional elections and the EUROPEAN elections.”

“– What is important is that we get rid of this government as soon as possible, hopefully before the Prespa agreement is ratified, so that the population may have their say in this national concern, said Mitsotakis at a press briefing last week, according to the Greek newspaper Ekathimerini.”

“From speaking at a side however, it is hard against hard. The government the 151 votes in the Greek parliament is required to ratify the Prespa agreement, the Russian siberian city national executive, in a statement following its first meeting for the year, reports the state-owned Greek news agency ANA-MPA.”

“the Greek government is aiming for a parliamentary vote in Athens in march. But it can also be in the past.”

“the Macedonian parliament in Skopje shall first vote on the four additions to the constitution as a result of the Prespa agreement at any time during the next few days, probably already during Wednesday, but no later than 15 January.”

“the Question of Macedonia’s name has been sensitive ever since the state was formed in the beginning of the 1990s, having broken out of the then disintegrating Yugoslavia. A few years later solved the issue provisionally by the provisional name the former yugoslav republic of Macedonia (abbreviated as Fyrom), under which the country became a member of the united nations.”

“At the moment seems the state under the name Republic of Macedonia, since it is incorporated into a formulation in the constitution that the state does not have any territorial claims. UN-led talks to solve the namndispyten low down in the several years until 2018 and then they resumed and led to the now controversial proposal Nordmakedonien, within the framework of the so-called Prespa-agreement.”

“the name issue is important for Macedonia, not least for the Macedonian politicians who want the country joins the EU and Nato.”

“the Greek government has with the Prespa agreement is given the go-ahead for a makedonskt membership in the EU and Nato under the name Nordmakedonien, but the formal decision has not yet been taken by the parliament in Athens and the issue continues to cause political turmoil in the country.”

“Once the agreement is taken up for a vote in the Greek parliament is still unclear. The government is aiming for a vote in march, but it can also be in the past. A majority of the Greek voters, according to opinion polls opponents to the agreement, but among the 300 members of the parliament in Athens, there are, according to the ruling party Syriza a majority that will vote yes.”

“the Agreement is expected in the next few days to be final approved by the parliament in Skopje, Macedonia. Although there are critical voices also there. Among other things, is Macedonia’s president, Gjorge Ivanov, a vocal opponent.”

“Prespa agreement has taken its name from the Prespassjön, which is located on the border between Greece, Macedonia and Albania.”

“Sources: ANA-MPA, Reuters”