“One-sided picture of the economy,”

“Petter Larsson about the media’s economic favoritexperter”

“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”

“When the media want to know something about the economy, they ask Arturo Arques.”

“He is privatekonom at a major bank and when the magazine the Flame in the last week (4 jan) examined the economists quoted in the 100 articles in the Swedish press, he is the most talkative star.”

” He alone accounts for 7% of all the statements in the survey. It is just a bit more than the overall trade union movement (6 percent) and twice as much as all the academic and related economists (3%).”

“And Arques is just the tip of the iceberg.”

“nSex of ten interviewed economists from industry, particularly from employers’ organisations, banks and insurance companies. It is ten times more than from the unions and their related organizations, such as think-tanks.”

“such A dominance of the molds, of course, the very idea of common sense, about what is possible, desirable and natural – and what is odd and crazy. We may also, as economist Lars Pålsson sill-plate say to the Flame, a false picture of that ekonomkåren agrees and, by extension, that the economy is an almost scientific subject, whose tenets cannot be questioned.”

“Sure, economists can certainly be becoming a disagreement in the details, but it is hardly a bold guess that not a single one of them campaigning for the four-day working week, zero growth, nationalization of major banks or konfiskatoriska taxes on wealth. “

“It is as well not what they get paid for.”