“All the more to change legal gender”

“more and more feel born in the wrong body and want to change the legal gender. Last year applied for 450 persons to the Board of health – a more than seven-fold increase since 2012.”

“– There is an increased understanding that gender is complex, ” says Sandra Ehne on the RFSL.”

“the other Day announced the former landslagsspelaren Loui Sand that she is finishing her handbollskarriär, and have put themselves in queue to get the diagnosis könsdysfori. Earlier, in the fall, told a senior leader in the Ica open about his gender correction treatments, from man to woman. And they are not alone – figures from the national Board of health shows that more and more the past few years been seeking to change the legal gender.”

“Last year, the national Board of legal advice to approximately 450 applications, which can be compared with 60 in 2012.”

“up Until 2012 it had to be sterile in order to change legal gender, and the percentage of the number of applications between 2012 and 2013, when the requirement for forced sterilisation was taken away.”

“– It is clear that it reflects how many people are searching to the this process. But there is also an increased knowledge and understanding that gender is complex, ” says Sandra Ehne, president of RFSL.”

“To change legal gender does not mean that you are operating sex, without replacing the social security number. At the time of birth becomes all children in Sweden are registered either as women or men, which is seen in the second to last digit in the personal identity number which is even for women and uneven for men. When changing legal gender to get a new social security number where the second-to-last digit shows the right legal sex – the sex you feel like. You don’t have to undergo any surgery.”

“there are, However, many steps on the way to correct their legal gender and in its entirety, it may take several years.”

“First requires a medical diagnosis, which is obtained after an investigation at one of the specialized teams for könsdysfori in Sweden. Thereafter, the person shall be live in about a year as the sex you feel like. Only after this, the person may submit an application to the national Board of legal advice on to get to change their social security number, and then, if you want to, operate its genitals.”

“– It is a lengthy process which enables lots of people can’t live their life to the full, ” says Sandra Ehne.”

“– It is interconnected with the incredible amount of ill-health, both mental and physical. We often talk about, for example, high suicidtal among transgender people.”

“the New legislation on gender identity may be, however, at the time, where it should go much easier and faster to change the legal gender.”

“If we get this amendment, you will be able to change your legal gender”

“because of the political unclear situation, it is unclear if and when the bill comes.”

“in Order to change legal sex, one must make an application to the national Board of legal advice.”

“How many applications has the council received in the last few years:”

“2018: 453 applications (the figure is preliminiär)”

“by 2017: 395 applications”

“2016: 289 applications”

“2015: 207 applications”

“2014: 194 applications”

“in 2013: 167 applications”

“Source: national Board of legal advice”

“In Sweden children who are born are registered as either women or men in the population register. The registration is even legal sex, and on the basis of the do you get a social security number where the second-to-last digit is even for women and uneven for men.”

“When you change legal gender to get a new social security number where the last digit indicates the correct legal gender.”

“You don’t have to undergo any surgery to change legal gender. However, do not undergo könsbekräftande underlivskirurgi in Sweden if you have not changed the legal gender first.”

“It is the National judicial council who determines if you can get to change legal gender and undergoing the operations mentioned in the law.”

“to be able to get permission to change the legal gender, you need to have been diagnosed with transsexualism. You also need to be 18 years of age and be registered in Sweden.”