writes the “Linth-Zeitung”, Knie’s children’s zoo at the end of 2019, the work with the sea lions. Is not justified, the decision of the Directorate. Whether it is a criticism of the attitude of sea lions.

in December, it was announced that today’s Otarium is to be replaced by a new building. The focus is then on all kinds of Events: concerts, banquets, gala dinners or Workshops. It is planned the new building for 2020.

Only dolphins, sea lions

in turn replaced The sea lions in 1998, Knies children’s zoo are the dolphins. This is because the attitude of dolphins in Switzerland was been widely criticized. For about five years, the keeping of sea lions in the criticism. As Samuel Furrer, head of Department for wild animals of the Swiss animal protection (STS), compared to the “Linth-Zeitung” says, it keeps the current system in Rapperswil of the Size and structure only for “limited use”. In line with the statutory provisions, from the point of view of Animal welfare, the sea lions would not be kept, however, very good.

If a permit is granted for the work with wild animals, are decided by the cantonal office for the protection of consumers and veterinary. A concession is granted for a maximum of ten years. The Canton of respects in addition to the structural requirements of the system and on dealing with the wild animals.

Taken from “20 minutes”, edited by Tagesanzeiger.ch/Newsnet. (TA)

Created: 08.01.2019, 10:07 PM