“The resistance movement’s betrayal of the jews”

“Carsten Palmær about the book that got it to take house in the heck in Norway”

“In the ”The greatest crime” (in English in 2015), says Marte Michelet with quiet fury about how the nazis did in Norway ”judefritt” in the late autumn of 1942. Norwegian police, in a hundred requisitioned taxis, seized the first of the men, and a few weeks later the women and children. 772 people were brought on board the ships ”Donau” and ”Gotenland” in the Oslo harbor for further transport to Auschwitz. 34 of them came back after the war.”

“the Book was a well-deserved success. Marte, besides continuing reports put the face and name of the anonymous victims, and also on one of their executioners. The biggest crime was rewarded with the Bragepriset and was named the year’s most important non-fiction book in Norway. But when she is now in Husqvarna knew hjemmefronten? go one step further in his review – then it takes a house in hell.”

“Norwegians are justly proud of their motståndskamp against the German occupiers from 1940 to 1945. Not the least of which is the well-organized and skillfully led civilmotståndet: the Teachers, who chose to be sent to labour camps rather than to teach after his idea guidelines. The athletes, who refused to take part in the regime’s mästerskapstävlingar. The priests who laid down their offices in protest.”

“According to standard historiography com ”judeaktionen” on 26 October 1942, as a flash of lightning from a clear sky. That many jewish families had remained in their homes and not move to Sweden is described as the jews ‘ own choice: in Order to be able to cross the border were required contacts or money, if the escape failed, the threatened death sentence, also for the helpers.”

“Despite this, many tried to escape and a number of ”good norwegians” risked his life to hide the persecuted jews and helping them to Sweden.”

“Now, says Marte Michelet to the resistance three months in advance, had been warned by contacts in the Abwehr, the German military intelligence service, to the complete annihilation of Europe’s jews had begun and that Norway was on the tour.”

“it is confirmed by the legendary sabotören Gunnar ”Kjakan” Sønsteby, which also explains hemmafrontens passivity towards the jewish destiny: ”We would fight. We would ikke hjelpe people.””

“hard-hearted? Perhaps, if you sit with the key in my hand. To the front wished to reserve its sensitive and vulnerable network – hiding places, transport, ”gränslotsar” – for military purposes is not so strange. Finally was Germany’s defeat of the premise in order to save both the jews, like the other europeans who would not submit to the Quisling and Hitler.”

“But Marte Michelet is critical of the earlier history – including the one she presented in The biggest crime of all. Michelet argues that the leading men in the Norwegian government-in-exile and the resistance movement, in fact, was indifferent to their jewish countrymen’s fate and that this has been swept under the carpet of the loyal historians after the war.”

“nnHemmafrontshjältarnas grandchildren are cursed on Michelet: What has a journalist who was born thirty years after the war for the right to sit in judgment over people who put their entire lives on the line to push the nazi occupiers out of Norway?”

“The reality Michelet describes is trassligare and solkigare than the legend. The distance between the traitors and frihetshjältar was not so far that you would like to imagine. The arrest of jews in October–november 1942 was his idea of the infamous law enforcement agency.”

“But a number of the police officers who energetically and dutifully monitored that no women and children escaped the transport to Auschwitz and finkammade sjukhussalarna on the hunt for hidden jews played twice. They also reported regularly to the resistance.”

“When the Norwegian who led the deportations, police inspector Knut’re – who worked 48 hours straight without sleep to make sure no jews escaped – faced right after the war, he was acquitted. Colleagues and hemmafrontsledare testified on his behalf and in 1950 rejoined’re at the police.”

“nn50 000 norwegians were sentenced after the war for having collaborated with the occupiers. Not a single one of the over three hundred who participated in the judeaktionen were punished for it.”

“In the resistance movement made the difference between people and people: Those who were persecuted for political reasons, the smacking higher than those who were persecuted because of their origin and received priority when they would be smuggled across the border.”

“Classic anti-semitic beliefs spread among come near each other: That the jews would be demanding, loud and nervous was a rumor spread by a motståndsman and gränslots who fled to Sweden. What he did not mention was that he and another freedom fighter recently rånmördat a older jewish couple. The two killers were acquitted in a trial after the war.”

“Those who decided to try to help as many jews as possible across the border was a motley crowd. The German businessman Wolfgang Geldmacher gathered together his musicians friends and acquaintances to alert the jewish families, and find hiding places for them. Tove Filseth and Ingebjørg Sletten from the non-profit organization Nansenhjelpen – already before the war, formed to receive jewish refugees in Norway – warned, and hid as many as they could.”

“the Distance between a traitor and frihetshjältar was not so far that you would like to imagine.”

“the Nurse Effi Leganger, a former volunteer in the Spanish civil war, saw to it that the 150 wanted jews was masked to allow patients and was hidden in the Oslo hospitals. Via the communist party’s illegal apparatus were smuggled then over the border.”

“The most well-known humanitarian organization, went under the code-named ”Carl Fredriksens transport”. It was started by a christian gardener, later executed by the germans. Fredriksens transport saved during the six weeks a thousand people – of those 350 jews – hidden in the trucks behind potatissäckar.”

“Marte Michelet combing letters and diaries, on the lookout for anti-semitic opinions among Norwegian leaders in exile in London. She highlights how the jews were forced to pay large sums of money to be smuggled across the border while the traffic was free for other norwegians. She mentions how the head of the Norwegian legation in Stockholm thought that the ”kingdom of god jøder in Sweden” could take on the Norwegian jewish refugees, so that ”disse ulykkelige mennesker” was not the Norwegian state to the load.”

“nJag read the book’s last pages, in the peace and quiet of the Stockholm metro. When a Romanian beggar will rattling with his pappersmugg I look away, like all the others in the wagon.”

“It’s remarkable with besides continuing book of mormon is not all the people who looked away, disobeyed orders, refused to help or thanked the higher powers for it was not their turn this time. Their behaviour is not aktningsvärt, but it is easy to understand.”

“The significance is Geldmacher, Filseth, Sletten, Leganger and the others who risked freedom and life to save people they did not know, who looked different and spoke with an accent. It is those who stay in the memory after completion of reading.”

“Husqvarna knew hjemmefronten?”