For six days, you will be covered on Twitter with hate. Men want her, you raped may, mutilated, shot. Moderate call you “waste” that belong to disposed of.

What Nicole Diekmann, a correspondent of the ZDF capital city office, was guilty of? She had initially posted on her private Twitter Account on new year’s day, two words are actually a democratic matter of course: “Nazis”.

The spell will not be used for more than 30 years of people who want national socialists in Germany, erlangen, ever again. It is a response to the radical right-wing Slogan “foreigners out”, was set up after the murders in Mölln and Solingen, also with Gerhard schröder’s “uprising of the Decent” in the year 2000, and again at the edge of marches of radical Right-wing who want to build in Germany a dictatorship.

“Nazis out” means: Never again fascism. It is a commitment to the basic law, to the free democratic basic order, Yes to the Federal Republic of Germany. Who should be addressed by such a spell, and feel offended, except maybe a Nazi?

a journalist for its attitude, which luckily, 2019 reflects a fundamental consensus of society, learns hatred, says something about the discourse of the past few months, from shifts. Especially about the Drastic, with the extreme-Right virtual, often in the protection of anonymity against Democrats approach.

How to deal with the Shitstorm?

Similar smear campaigns there against the SPD politician Sawsan Chebli, or the presenter Dunja Hayali. The Journalist Richard Gutjahr has described in the recent re:publica impressive, as he is acting against the Hetzer. Other victims try to protect themselves by temporarily disabling your Accounts in social networks, so dive in to the hope that the “Shitstorm” passing by.

Nicole Diekmann decided for another way: they published some of the comments and replied with irony. As a result, it was much worse. Because in addition to fantasies of Violence Diekmann also got reactions from users who have tried to engage in absurd discussions. One of them asked: “What is for you a Nazi?” As if the word is not for the stands. To show how silly the question is answered Diekmann: “Any/r/which does not choose the Green.”

I laughed when I read on Twitter the clever answer. And was shocked, as I had to find: right-spread your joke more, claimed, but, in all Seriousness, the journalist would actually mean. And even more insane: Others believed the. The tweets in circles that are not for arguments at all accessible, was the bubble of the conspiracy theorists. A bubble, in the people of Chemtrails and Freemasons in the Bundestag faith, or the claim that the stop all the way from breitscheidplatz, there have been 2016 no dead, because the whole blood mass of bloodstained people were actually from the state-paid actor… With the people in this echo chamber you can’t discuss in this echo chamber penetrates no reason, penetrates only very much hate.

One can only hope that a journalist of your environment, get all possible assistance from the colleagues.

Nazis out.

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Robert Habeck Green-chief reports from Twitter and Facebook

Disclosure: Nicole Diekmann has written in the years 2005 and 2006 as a freelance writer for the daily mirror.