– I like to go to work, so I thought that it was a great opportunity to earn a little more money, and I got to find a second job.

so says Pia’s, who works in a job centre in Copenhagen, to dr.dk about the extra hours she has been allowed to stay at his workplace. The municipality has recently given 497 employees the opportunity to choose their own working hours, and 23 selected to go down in hours, while Pia and 19 others chose to go up in time. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday she goes so a half hour later, while her Friday is a whole for longer than the other employees:

– I do not have small children that need to be retrieved at four o’clock in a day-care center, so it fits well in my life.

– Now I have a half hour extra.

– There is calm to be done with the work, without that I necessarily have to go home, because the work day ends, continues Pia, who was actually on set up time when her children were younger.

– the city of Copenhagen has the time in something that is absolutely right here, writes Jens L in a Facebook comment, but DR. dk says that although a number of other municipalities in the metropolitan area has discussed the issue of more flexible working hours, is that none of those who have gone ahead with the idea.