Storskytten Nikolaj Markussen was stepped over the foot of a Hungarian in Sunday’s match in Odense. The next day they were the foot is still so swollen that he could not perform any kind of handball.

It tells the national coach Nikolaj Jacobsen, who thus can add yet another member to the list of injured players.

Nikolaj Markussen must be scanned in the afternoon, and only when the result is available, can you say something about the extent of the damage.

– I’m a little curious as to what the scan shows. I’m a little nervous, says Nikolaj Jacobsen.

Other stuff is Rasmus Lauge, who got a jolt in the ribs yesterday, and Lasse Svan who got a huge tear in one arm. In advance sat, His Lindberg over in the two matches against Hungary, because he had problems with the one load.

Completely out of the squad is at the moment Henrik Toft Hansen, who are grappling with a forstrakt groin.

The many injuries and the accident was national coach to cancel Monday’s training in the Anja Andersen Hall in the oval. It is otherwise rare that it happens, but now will have to give the players time to recover, and so he hopes that all man, except possibly Nikolaj Markussen, can work out fully with in the morning.

This means, that Mikkel Hansen is back in the squad. His girlfriend gave birth to their son on Saturday, and after a very short maternity leave is Mikkel Hansen once again ready to get down to work.

– It is rare, we have had a training where we have been the full complement. There are many who are grappling with different things. It is not often that I cancel trainings, and it annoys me when I have to do it, because we need everyone we can get. But today it was not possible for us to train. It had not given any opinion, ” says Nikolaj Jacobsen.

Denmark opens the WORLD cup on Thursday in the Royal Arena in Copenhagen, denmark against Chile.