if we (Dagbladet): on Sunday, attempted a skredekspert from the NVE and a dog handler to take into skredområdet on Blåbærfjell in if we in the state of minnesota.
once again had the rescuers to give up the attempt to search for the four missing, three Finnish men and a Swedish woman, who was taken by avalanches the previous Wednesday. Reduced visibility from 500 metres up the mountain made it impossible for helikopterpiloten defence 339-squadron to land the machine.
Rastunga is located around 800 metres up the mountainside. Monday morning there should be a new assessment, but the prospect of being able to conduct a successful leteoperasjon determined by the weather. Unstable weather conditions, dense fog, driving snow and rain has led to that the rescuers never have come up on the mountain.
Friday decided the police after advice from the medical management to change the status of the search to search for casualties.
Five days after the tragic rasulykken has not yet Blåbærfjell released on the missing.
NIGHT: Fog disappeared from the top of the Blåbærfjell in a short period of time on Sunday. The short days, make that hours it effectively can be searched skredområdet are few. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen/Dagbladet. Show more
According to Gunda Johansen as director Balsfjord municipality’s crisis team, was the decision a hard blow for the families who have traveled from Finland and Sweden to the if we.
Still planning aksjonsledelsen to continue the search as soon as it is prudent. So will they go forward:
safety assessment
When a weather window opens up, will operasjonsledelsen first send up a skredekspert to assess the conditions. The degree of risk of avalanche that was done by the NVEs skredeksperter on Friday, may have changed.
– Now it plussgrader up on Blåbærfjell and it is a warning sign that it has been milder snow. It will all the time have to be made new security considerations with respect to the safety of the crew that should up in skredområdet, genesis Roald Berntsen, who is innsatsleder in the police in Troms.
ruthless covenant search party will be equipped with skredsøkere and sondestenger, shovels, mobile lighting and klesskift. They use skis or snowshoes to take in skredområdet. The defense set with the helicopter as long as possible.
ruthless covenant search party is depending on to be lifted into skredområdet with the helicopter. There is a big risk of avalanche at all roads into and neither snowmobile or skis can be used. Defence 339-squadron set a helicopter to their disposal for leteaksjonen, ” says Roald Berntsen to the Newspaper.
AVALANCHE: Four people are still missing after a huge avalanche on the Blåbærfjellet in if we in the state of minnesota. Innsatsleder Roald Berntsen explains why it is so difficult for letemannskapene to search for the missing. Video: Øistein Monsen Show more Crew
the Police leads the rescue mission. Crews from Skredgruppen in the county of Troms Red Cross Local and Norwegian people’s Aid will be available. In addition, the sets Norwegian Redningshunder with lavinehunder. Volunteers make up the majority of the crew who are going out and looking.
To prepare mentally for the task. We think through the situation and what we may encounter, told Viktor Olsen to the Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet on Thursday. He is aksjonsleder for the Red Cross Local.
Only four people have so far been on an inspection tour of the skredområdet. In the course of a brief weather window on Friday was skredeksperter sent up to make a safety assessment.
– We must have all resources in place in if we so that we can go into if værvinduet allow it.
– If a weather window opens up, need the crew to be in place. We need to react fast, ” says innsatsleder Roald Berntsen.
Battle against the clock
When a person is buried by snow, begins the snow around to melt from the body heat. If it gets colder, run the risk of the person to be encased in ice. It makes it harder for lavinehundene to sniff out where the person is buried.
Friday picked the rescue helicopter up two signals from the skredsendere that the missing was wearing when the snow slid down the mountainside.
Standard battery skredsøkere is between 100 and 200 hours.
We have taken point of departure in that the transmitters have a 100-hour battery life, so we are fighting against the clock there, too, ” says Mats Gilbert, klinikkoverlege at the emergency medical clinic at the University hospital in Tromsø (UNN).
HELPS FAMILIES: Klinikkoverlege by TREAT has been available for the families throughout the Sunday. Photo: Øistein Norum Monsen/Dagbladet. Show more
– The fact that we only have registered two transmitters can mean that the other two are empty for the battery or they are located so that the signal is hard to catch up, ” says the seasoned doctor.
the Time skredsøkeren sends out signal can be reduced because of the cold.
Relatives including
Kriseteamet in Balsfjord municipality, headed by mayor Gunda Johansen in collaboration with professionals from the TREAT taken care of the relatives.
Mads Gilbert has been together with the families through the entire Sunday.
today we went to the family, girlfriends and friends of the deceased all available information, ” says Gilbert.
The families today has been by Blåbærfjellet and lit. They have seen rasområdet from the road. This is blytunge days. It is located four casualties left inside the mountain. We work with you to get taken them down as quickly and respectfully as possible, ” says Mads Gilbert.