in the Middle of the regjeringsforhandlingene have prime minister Erna Solberg (H) raised on an official visit to India. In the course of the trip she will among other things meet India’s prime minister Narendra Modi and president Ram Nath Kovind.

the Former has been criticized and ridiculed after he gave a very rare interview to the news agency Asian News International (ANI) new year’s day.

In the Modis four years as prime minister he has put up to only a few interviews, and has never led a single press conference. Now accused, he to be scared of the press, according to The Guardian.

Claim they denied the pass now ask Norwegian sikhs Erna to remove passkrav “Fixed”

Journalists have gone out and referred to the interview as a “monologue”, and believes that it seems very little critical. Adopted has called the interview “fixed”, while a member of parliament says that the questions “fed the prime minister, instead of grilling him.”

On Twitter, one user published a comic strip where the Modi interviews themselves, while another user believes that the interview is a “joke”.

ever since Modi became the prime minister in 2014, has the indian media expressed their frustration over the lack of access to him. But after nyttårsintervjuet spread frustration also opposisjonspolitikeren Rahul Gandhi.

He has put a question mark to the Modis decision to refuse to set up to interviews without having had moderated the questions in advance. At a press conference pointed out he how Modes – unlike other politicians – is less available and willing to answer critical questions.

Modes have not the courage to sit down in front of you, ” he said.

Will you save the world’s oceans, Erna? Debate – Typically

In India it is common that the prime ministers allow the journalists to follow them when they travel on official utenlandsbesøk – it does not Modes. Several fear that the prime minister’s lack of availability is harmful for democracy.

– his Behavior is typical for strong leaders with broad support, which is intolerant of the press. Modi does not believe he needs to be challenged, held accountable, or answer critical questions, ” says author Parsa Venkateshwar Rao Jr., as the driver of political analysis.

But even if the minister criticised one of his opponents, he receives wide support among followers. They believe that he has more than enough contact with the people through valgkampanjer and meetings. At the same time they believe that his monthly call on state radio to reach out to many more indians than what the statements of his at a press conference would.

the Problem with all these forms of communication is that they are shaped like a monologue. In radiosamtalene he answers questions that have been sent to him from the population in advance, and the questions chosen are solely the light, ” says Rao Jr. to The Guardian.

Erna travelling

Erna Solberg is with his journey to India the first Norwegian prime minister to visit the country in ten years.

With him on the journey, she has a comprehensive Norwegian business delegation, and it is expected that næringslivssamarbeid and aquaculture will be important themes for the political meetings, says the Prime minister’s office.

” I’m glad to have with me a large Norwegian business delegation to India. It is in both Norway’s and India’s interest to develop trade and næringslivssamarbeid. It is good for jobs and development in both countries, says prime minister in a press release.

Erna Solberg to India: A Norwegian prime minister to take an international leadership role