“This is suicide most common in Sweden”

“Every year, approximately 1 200 persons in their life in Sweden – but there are big differences from municipality to municipality. In the worst-affected is suicide around ten times more common than in the most spared.”

“Värmland Grums has the highest number of suicide per capita in the whole of Sweden the last ten years, according to statistics from the national Board registries: 3,11 per 1 000 inhabitants. In Svenljunga, sweden, is the corresponding number to 3.0.”

“at the same time was committed to 0.24 suicides per 1 000 inhabitants in Norsjö in Västerbotten. In Knivsta outside of Uppsala and Vindeln (Västerbotten) where the number of 0,33, respectively 0,37.”

” A suicide is a failure of society. Not only for the municipality but for many involved. It is a societal problem we must lift, says Leif Haraldsson (S), municipal commissioner in Grums ago 2014.”

“After several high-profile suicide in the short time he wrote a few years ago an open letter to the municipality’s inhabitants if that alone is not strong. Subsequently, including more targeted efforts against young people have been deployed, ” says Leif Haraldsson, and Grums has also received the support of the Swedish association of local authorities and regions (SALAR).”

“– We have come up with what we need to work with and what target groups, and we have devoted and got some extra money to work with these issues.”

“the national Board of health publishes no statistics about suicide at the community level, but TT has got the figures from the causes of death register how many”

“In a dozen of municipalities is the number of suicides per capita is approximately twice as large as the national average, which is 1.16 per 1 000 inhabitants during the current decade. In about the same number of municipalities is cut half as large as in the whole country.”

“the Figures from the causes of death register gives a picture of the location, but is not necessarily the whole truth. The national board of health for the statistics about deaths that may have been suicide. In small municipalities, Norsjö and Art can have a big impact on the outcome if these count or not.”

“It is clear that suicide rates differ between different types of municipalities. Why is, however, unclear, but according to Folkhälsomyndigheten, the evidence suggests that socio-economic factors can affect. TT has compared självmordssiffrorna with statistics on, inter alia, work, the economy, crime and illness – and the pattern is clear: In the municipalities with tougher conditions is the relative number of suicides in the rule higher than in the municipalities that have it better.”

“Knivsta is a medium-sized municipality with a very low suicide rate. In contrast to the Grums is the unemployment rate in the municipality of low and average income and the average life expectancy is high.”

” I’m not surprised, but I didn’t know about it. It is well to Knivsta is generally a pretty safe community. Residents feel safe, it is good socio-economics, and it is possible for the students of the school. It is quite a good potential and it could be the reason that suicide rates in Knivsta, sweden is extremely low, ” says alderman Klas Bergström (M).”

“the Differences in the statistics allows, however not always explained with the same factors,” explains Danuta Wasserman, a professor at the National centre for suicide research and prevention of mental ill-health (NASP). You have to look at each individual municipality: risk factors and protective factors, as well as on the care and rehabilitation and see how these interact over time.”

“– You need to identify the occurred homicides in each municipality and identify risk factors that are repeated. It requires a systematic work and the resources allocated, ” says Danuta Wasserman.”

“During the 2008-2017 took 11 701 people their lives in Sweden, according to the National registries. It corresponds to 1,16 suicide per 1 000 inhabitants.”

“in Addition to the was registered 3 443 deaths which may be suicide, but where it is not clearly established.”

“Of Sweden’s 290 municipalities had the following färst, respectively, the highest number of registered suicides per 1 000 inhabitants during the ten-year period 2008-2017:”

“the Municipality of självmordu002F1 000 inhabitants”

“288 Skinnskatteberg 2,71”

“Source: national Board of health, central bureau of Statistics”

“It takes place about 15 000 suicide attempts in Sweden. About half of people who attempt suicide seek help. The most common reason for not doing it is shame.”

“According to the research, there is a strong correlation between previous suicide attempts and completed suicide.”

“the Incidence of suicide differ between the different types of municipalities. In the metropolitan municipalities was suicide rates for men 2012-2016 on average, half as high as in remote rural communities. For women was the similar regardless of the type of municipality.”

“the evidence suggests that although socio-economic factors lie behind the differences in suicide rates between different municipalities.”

“Source: National centre for suicide research and prevention (NASP), the national association for suicide prevention and victim support (SPES), Folkhälsomyndigheten.”

“most people who commit suicide have spoken about it earlier, but the surroundings have not always caught up with the message.”

“There’s research that shows that it can work the prevention to talk or write about suicide because it can make people aware that they need to seek help.”

“It’s going to prevent people who have decided to commit suicide. Many survivors ask themselves how they could think like they did.”

“the suicide process is in adults is often long and drawn out. In young people it can often occur suddenly. Therefore, it is important to be extra vigilant for signs of mental illness among the young.”

“Some warning signs are: bad sleeping habits, dåligau002Fstörda eating habits, extreme behavior changes (such as sharply deteriorating performance in school), talk about suicide, truancy, drug and alcohol abuse, loss of a desire for leisure activities, self-injury and signs of depression as sadness, irritation, lack of concentration and low self-esteem.”

“Source: National centre for suicide research and prevention (NASP), the national association for suicide prevention and victim support (SPES), Folkhälsomyndigheten.”

“In emergency situations or thoughts of suicide, always call 112.”

“Mind Självmordslinjen 90101”


“Tel: 08-702 16 80, all the days 21-06.”

“Spes – suicide prevention and victim support”

“Tel: 08-34 58 73, the telephone hotline every day 19-22. Web: http:u002Fu002Fspes.seu002F”