While many leaders now say that they are putting their country first, is my mantra that global action puts Norway first, says Erna Solberg to the Newspaper.

the Norwegian prime minister, will she that Norway shall be in the driver’s seat in international cooperation.

NOISE: Erna Solberg adorn several billboards along with prime minister Narendra Modi in connection with the visit. From the outside the hotel where she lives. Photo: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet Show more

today lands her in New Dehli in India. With her she has 130 representatives of Norwegian companies that want to hijack parts of the vast and growing indian market. India is the world’s fastest growing economy and will, according to the IMF go past France and the united Kingdom in the years and become the world’s fifth largest economy.

Want in on India’s market

To promote Norwegian business interests is a natural task for an English prime minister.

India is an important country both for the international political cooperation, a country that is important in all UN processes. And India is important for us because there is a huge market with great opportunities for Norwegian business and industry, and is increasingly important as a trading partner. Vekstkraften from oil and gas will be less in the future. Then we need to base our value on the market shares internationally, ” says Solberg.

Will you save the world’s oceans, Erna? Debate

Companies in the energy, seafood, shipping and defence industry is in the entourage to India. 13 agreements shall, in the course of the visit, signed by the Norwegian and indian partners, according to Innovation Norway. 150 Norwegian companies are already established in India.

the First item on the program today is a næringslivsseminar where Norwegian and indian companies to discuss possibilities for sustainable growth, especially in energy, sea, seafood, ICT and defence.

In January last year launched Tomorrow an international panel for sustainable havøkonomi. The panel is chaired by her and shall consist of the heads of government from the coastal states from different corners of the world. This is also an issue during India visit.

Ball with Hegerberg-signature

But as one of the Un secretary-general utplukkede the driving force for the Un bærekraftsmål have Erna Solberg also with a strong message of equality, education and development.

to ensure the boost from India’s prime minister Narendra Modi has Solberg with a football signed by the world’s best female footballer, the Ada Hegerberg.

Solberg has previously given soccer balls to the other political leaders, like Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, to remind about the obligations.

For that bærekraftsmålene to be reached, India with its 1, 4 billion people make their. The great democracy has a long way to go to equality: the Brutal abuse of girls and women when periodically the international media landscape.

Conservative hindus refuse women in the menstruating age access to the temples.

Millions of poor women have low or no status.

Assault must be punished

– We expect that the world’s largest democracy follows up on the bærekraftsmålene. It happens a lot in a positive way. Modi has, for example, have been concerned about something as mundane as toilets. In rural areas, poor women go out in the woods, and are so abused. Violence and abuse against women in India is a huge challenge. India need to lift the girls ‘and the value of women, and abuse must be met with strict penalties that can act as a deterrent,” says Solberg.

Visit the schools is a regular feature on Erna’s travels. Also in India she will visit a school and innskjerpe that both boys and girls must get access to quality education.

One of the america’s international projects is education for all. Girls and education was the theme during america’s first big trip abroad to South Africa, Malawi and Rwanda in 2014, and in 2015 onwards the Uk an international utdanningskonferanse in Oslo, where the nobel peace prize winner Malala Yousafzai participated.

Planning the summit about Syria: – the Goal is to obtain the most money possible and give hope to the syrian refugees

That school was important for me as a child, has certainly had an impact on my involvement. The international engagement started with skolepolitikk and Operation Day’s work. I learned about the value of the development, but also about the importance of market solutions, ” says Solberg.

– Why are you together with ghana’s president John Dramani designated as leaders of pådrivergruppen for the Un bærekraftsmål?

– It is probably due to Norway’s position, and because I’m female prime minister, it is not so many of them. And so it is a tribute to the commitment I and Norway has shown. You’ve probably seen that where the Norwegian prime ministers take the initiative, something happens, ” says Solberg.

Have global responsibilities

– Why is it important for little Norway and a Norwegian prime minister to be active and visible internationally?

– Have the responsibility to follow up skoleløftene

None of us lives on an isolated island. Wars, flyktningestrømmer and international crises and problems affects us. We have a shared responsibility to think long term and find common solutions. Many leaders in the world, not just the united STATES, now speaks about his country first. My mantra is that global solutions serving Norway. The global issues hit us all and requires international solutions. Education is a catalyst for development, and therefore is the education of girls, health and development is important for Norwegian interests.

To take care of the sea is in our interest. We live by the sea. As a nation, we cannot only be concerned with protection but also of sustainable use. We have great international challenges where Norway can make a contribution. In Norway we are so lucky to have a people who believe that we should take such an international responsibility, take initiative and leadership, ” says Solberg.

FOR GIRLS ‘ RIGHT TO EDUCATION: prime Minister Erna Solberg and nobel peace prize winner Malala Yousafzai during the conference to help syria’s refugees in London in 2016. The conference was led by the united Kingdom, Germany, Kuwait and Norway.. Photo: Nina Hansen Show more

Solberg has since she became prime minister, scored high among voters. At Ipsos measurement in December meant the 85 per cent that she makes a good medium or good job as prime minister, while 12 percent thought she is doing a bad job. Also internationally, Solberg a high standing, and she has received awards for its international engagement and leadership.

Prices for the international leadership

In september last year, got the Solberg a price of the american tankesmien Atlantic Council. She received the award for having defended the transatlantic values and the security, and for his work to promote the Un bærekraftmål, especially schooling for girls and children in areas of conflict, and commitment against sea pollution.

In December received the Solberg award “Global World Leader” during a visit in South Africa today. The award was handed out by the organization Global Citizen who works with the goal of eradicating extreme poverty by 2030. In the last year got the Solberg also the price

In may of last year, she became the first Norwegian to Norwegian prime minister ever invited to speak at the summit to the G7 countries, the club of the world’s richest and most powerful country, in Canada.

WORLD FIRST: – While many leaders now say that they are putting their country first, is my mantra that global action puts Norway first, says Erna Solberg to the Newspaper. As the Norwegian prime minister, will she that Norway shall be in the driver’s seat in international cooperation. Photo: Nina Hansen/Dagbladet Show more

Director of the Norwegian foreign policy institute (NUPI),Ulf Sverdrup, points out that there has been a tradition for Norwegian prime ministers to engage internationally and takes special initiative. Jens Stoltenberg, engaged especially for the vaccination of the world’s children through the so-called GAVI program.

– Erna Solberg follows this tradition with its commitment to bærekraftsmålene, for girls ‘ right to education and now the marine management there and climate-friendly investments.

Global order

of course She has been prime minister for a long time in the international context, and is an experienced leader. She has built expertise and network through it. Norway is a small country, but with huge international involvement, and we are major in areas such as aid, seafood, sea, investment, energy. Norway has a well functioning political system and perceived as a constructive player who is passionate about dialogue with other countries, ” says Sverdrup.

He emphasizes, like Solberg himself that global challenges must be solved through international cooperation.

“Norway first” is largely about global order and development, ” says Sverdrup.