Due to warning Strikes of security personnel must adjust to the traveler at Berlin’s Tegel and Schönefeld airports on delays. In the morning, many flights.

flight travelers in Berlin, and other cities will have to cope for the Start into the new week with cancellations and delays. The trade Union Verdi has called on employees of security firms at the Airports of Tegel and Schönefeld to be a warning strike from 5.00 to 8.45 PM. This is to meet, according to information from the Sunday, about 80 Connections and could lead to strong restrictions, as it was called from the Berlin airport company.

Due to the warning Strikes will approximately be 80 flights.

for More talks on may 23. January

On the flight plans 60 flights in Tegel and a good 20 in Schoenefeld, were scarce. Lufthansa announced that starting from Tegel eight Compounds would have to be four to Frankfurt and to Munich. In Schoenefeld, Easyjet, Ryanair and Aeroflot flights have been cancelled. All passengers should inform themselves prior to arrival at your Airline, said the airport operator.

the Background of the Strikes are the result of free collective bargaining between the Association of the aviation security company (BDLS) and Verdi for around 23,000 Employees of flight safety. The Union wants to freight a hourly wage of nationwide for 20 Euro at the passenger, -, staff – and were able to enforce control. At the end of the year, the peace obligation in the tariff conflict. 23. January to continue the discussions.

Atlas |Germany |Berlin

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