Panu free power came up with the idea to revolutionize the cryotherapy device to dive when a small plane in the cloud. The fog shower to use in Finland, inter alia, for people with rheumatism and top athletes.Panu free power revolutionary invention was born of impulse. I pushed my finger pienlento machine vents out, flying in a thin cloud. The mist will cool the skin quickly. I was already passionate winter bathers experienced how to effectively cold produces vibrant increasing the feel good hormone. KAROLIINA PAAVILAINENPanu free the power of making Amanda-cold therapy device has been promising research results.Cold treatment positive effects are, inter alia, the recovery rate and pain alleviation.According to studies, the cold also activates the human body the beneficial brown fat.

a Shower be installed in the cold therapy device to spray cooling tunnels droplets on the skin. Inventor Panu free power according to the device has a wide range of positive health effects.

Amanda Healthcare Ltd Amanda-cold therapy device benefits have convinced at least in the Finnish ski team and the Finnish rheumatism association: mist spray, has been used as rheumatism darts as the top ski shall. The device functionality from a number of clinical studies.

the cold treatment of the researched positive effects include musculoskeletal injuries caused by the reduction of edema, chronic pain, mild reduction, sleep quality improvement, muscle improvement and recovery acceleration.

a passion for ice swimming

Amanda-cold therapy device at the beginning is so far peculiar, that the idea was not born in a laboratory and engineers in the design table, but free power of directing the propeller on the plane: summer weekend 2011 flight from Rovaniemi to Kittilä to Levi.

I figured out to push the spur of the moment my fingers pienlento machine vents out, flying in a thin cloud. The mist will cool the skin quickly, free of power recalls.

the findings of the doing, he wondered, could the water spray exposed skin to cold quickly and also pleasantly.

I had a fly in addition to two other passions: ice swimming and sauna. They were looking for solutions for an enjoyable cold treat. Hamster is not winter time not sick: she’s not in any pain and not the flu. Not to mention the ice swimming the following for the pleasure of it. When the skin is cooled, the brain begins to produce vibrant increasing the feel good hormone, free power praises.

Many people know firsthand winter swimming I beneficial effects, but leave the cold produced an unpleasant experience because its worth a try one time.

I Had long wondered how cold I would get a harness like that, that it would be a pleasant experience and always achievable, free power tell.

Already at the flight end of the week the following Monday he contacted the invention to the foundation and initiated the idea of its development. He began to test the fog shower to the invention of the foundation, with support from Arctic Power, cold laboratory in Rovaniemi.

heat the camera from the picture she saw, that the invention works unimaginable efficiently. The commercial terms of the most important thing was that the method was protected.

top skier in the testing

the Long research and product development phase includes uncertainty, risks and surprises: following the twists and turns it was impossible to predict. Financial risks the rite, as always inventors of new creating. At the same time, we need to take care of your family’s income and keep the company afloat almost zero income.

Always do not laskelmatkaan kept, and the understanding of the need to beg so officials than financial.

the Research, clinical testing with took three years. Amanda Healthcare Ltd free power based on the summer of 2015, and already the same year in December, Amanda-a cold treatment device in the first version came on the market.

In 2016, the company made an agreement with the Finnish ski team with, and then the A-team all skiers acquire Amanda-fog shower of his home. The two-year pilot during equipment was sold to a couple of hundred.

Still, the term of the contract, even after many a top skier to use Amanda, free power tell.

Public recognition came when Amanda Healthcare Ltd awarded in 2017 as the arctic design company.


Amanda is a made-up name even Jesus-jet, because it is perceived effective in reducing pain and healing also the quality of sleep. The device is installable in any shower. It sprayed smooth and cool mist pillar of the whole body around.

the fog of the shower I invented a free power is not a doctor, engineer or scientist. He is a graduate of the university of applied sciences bachelor of business administration and worked previously in sales and marketing.

his Childhood and youth he lived in Espoo, finland, but moved in 2008 to Rovaniemi and became an entrepreneur. North which way he moved, precisely, that can be enjoyed cold.

the skin to cool the solution he’d been thinking about even before Amanda-and to the machine. She calls herself playfully ”across the scientist”.

It was an important part of the sauna concept, which began to develop when I became an entrepreneur. I’ve already since a child developed a variety of ideas. Amanda before I just don’t developed any of my ideas into a finished product until now, he said.

cryotherapy can be useful, for example, rheumatism tikoille, athletes and a hard worker. Device inventor compare mist spray positive effects of winter swimming. KAROLIINA paavilainen first in the world

Amanda is the further development of free power has made the company with their partner. the Lars Sundholm is a product development engineer.

a mist a shower of the commercial form are designed by designer Harri Koskinen . Mechanics again has developed a great mechanic Harry Joy .

Medical skills Amanda Healthcare inc that retired termobiologian adjunct professor at Pirkko Huttunen , which is also the company’s first shareholders.

Also, Miss Finland 2000 Suvi Tiilikainen (os. Miinala) is a partner.

He bought the equipment for themselves first and wanted it after a shareholder in the company, when faith was in the shower so much. Pirkko half again figure to turn to when in 2012 I picked up an old Gloria magazine. Winter swimming health benefits to tell the story was interviewed Pirkkoa, free power tell.

the Company and its success of the product free of power came up with the name of the year 2010-born daughter.

Amanda is the world’s first home to install and the only internationally patented cold method of treatment. It can be installed on a standard shower without the use of tools.

– cold therapy is the scientific level, a proven one of the world’s most effective non-pharmacological for pain management means. Its effects are so significant, that it’s worth a try for those people who don’t like the cold.

– in Addition to the ”brown fat” is the science in the world of hot potato. It sought a solution to the excess weight and type 2 diabetes prevention. Cold exposure is the most effective way to activate and increase the brown fat in the body, free power said.

conquer the World

the Whole fog cooling in general, is the method unique. With the same effects of competition are just a hole in the ice swimming hole, a cold pool, the peak of the cold air capsules and the peak of the cold rooms.

Amanda’s Healthcare goal is to conquer before long Amanda-cryotherapy device throughout the world.

– so far, it is outside Finland, just some random users mm. In singapore, the USA and Switzerland. In finland that are interested already hevospiiritkin. Also, the health department is interested in us, because they have good experience in heavy workers returning to the cold and warm therapies to help. Cold treatment can benefit from, inter alia, heavy physical work firefighters and police officers.

Panu a dip in the still ice dipping, if that offer is effortlessly opportunity.

– winter pool find and go in there however, has its own troubles. I’m no longer not looking for them actively, when I can get the same benefits and feeling in your own bathroom.