“Donald Trump’s wall against Mexico”

“Trump threatens with state of emergency, in order to build the wall.”

“Donald Trump’s repeated on Sunday his threat to declare a state of emergency for the wall to be built.”

“But in both the legal expertise as political opponents question whether that decision is lawful.”

“the close down of parts of the american government, the bottoms in to the Trump at any cost want to get the boundary wall against Mexico, at a cost of just over sek 50 billion.”

“Already on Friday said the Trump consider using the president’s power to declare a state of emergency. He would then claim that the nation is in an emergency and get the wall to be funded out of the defense budget, according to the american media.”

“On Sunday, he repeated the threat.”

“– I can decided if the declared national emergency, depending on what happens in the coming days, ” said Trump outside the White house, according to Politico.”

“Later in the evening tweeted Trump to Sunday’s negotiations with the democrats have been ”productive”:”

“”We are now planning a stålbarriär rather than concrete. It is both stronger and less eye-catching. Good solution and made in the USA.””

“last Friday, during an unsuccessful meeting with toppdemokraterna Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, told Trump to ”shutdown” may be in several years if he does not get through murbygget.”

“Already on Monday to continue negotiations to break the deadlock. Trumps moves to declare a state of emergency can be seen as a part of the game.”

“– No one wants him to do it and I do not believe that the president wants it either, ” says Liz Cheney, republican member of the house of representatives.”

“Several toppdemokrater have expressed doubts about Trump has the legal right to build the wall with reference to emergency legislation.”

“– In this case, I think that it would be open targets for a lawsuit against the president which raises the question: Where is the emergency? But besides that, it would be an awful waste of defense department money, ” says Adam Schiff, a democrat in the house of representatives, according to The Hill.”

“He has the support of Bruce Ackerman, law professor at Yale university, who in a column in the New York Times states that such a decision would be unlawful. He refers inter alia to the fact that the constitution requires that the congress shall take a decision on federal spending and that the military may not be used to enforce the domestic decisions.”