“We must be allowed to criticize islam for honour-related violence”

“Debater: In a secular society, we can’t protect a religion from scrutiny.”

“This is an opinion piece. It is the writer who stands for the views that are put forward in the text, not Against.”

“the DEBATE. Sweden is in a persistent state of shock where our defense seems to have taken over the face of the fact that hederskulturen exist and even thrive. “

“It is high time to start dealing with reality for what it is. Set the essential and critical issues, manage and mobilize.”

“When the man ends up in crisis, it is common to go into a shock phase, which can last up to a few days. Our defense mechanism is telling us to keep reality as far away as possible for the next step – to accept and deal with.”

“It is clear that Sweden is in a persistent state of shock where our defense seems to have taken over the face of the fact that hederskulturen exist and even thrive. “

“A clear example of this is the woman who stood up in connection with a heldagsföreläsning for school staff some time ago. She was extremely provoked by to hear me tell you about the bad things about her country and religion. Despite the fact that I repeatedly pointed out that violence is happening among several religions and not just islam, she did not want to listen.”

“Factual arguments about my stance against violence and oppression, irrespective of country or religion, did she not. “

“You are not allowed to say so about my country and religion, you paints my country with your personal story! What you say about the culture of honor in my country is not true,” said the woman indignantly. “

“the Reaction is not unique, it is symptomatic for the instances within the municipality, county and county. “

“With one hand allocates society proud money to organisations and initiatives that work against the hedersförtryck. With the other hand, are awarded to support schools and associations rather than strengthens hedersförtryckets values. Hypocrisy has no limits.”

“When the debate about hedersproblematiken started trying some of the ethnic groups struggling to save its honor by denying hederskulturens existence within its own sphere. “

“today is teeming with the debate of the actors, which relativises the honour-related violence or to spice up their obnoxious arguments with ignorance about the crucial difference between being critical against islam and hate muslims. It is one thing to be factually islamkritisk, it is something completely different than muslimofob, which instead revolves around hatred and prejudice. “

“Unfortunately, are constantly exposed brave people who criticise hedersförtryck, of hatred, and threats. They are called racists and are prevented from debating issues openly. Among other SSU-member Nadja Weigel Bergholm received stiff criticism internally and was called wrong and cowardly for ”islamofob”.”

“How can it be that the secular society we live in, feel a need to protect, specifically islam from criticism and scrutiny? What is it that protects islam from criticism more than all other religions because of kvinnokränkande texts in the ”sacred” writings?”

“Sweden’s misguided anxiety to contribute to the stigma is starting to become really tiring, as well as the claim that the violence is the same thing as men’s violence against women.”

“During the time that this farce is going on ends up the fight for women’s, girls ‘and boys’ rightful freedom is increasingly undermined.”

“the Signals on the links between the islamic dogmas and the violence has become more, much because of society’s sleepy face barely registers the veils at the small children, moralpoliser or könsseparata lessons. All in the aim to limit women and girls ‘ freedom through repression, coercion and monitoring.”

“Sweden lacks a national picture of which municipalities and county councils that have a plan of action to combat honour related violence and oppression. “

“That other countries have come much further when it comes to the violence prevention work, confirmed by Mikael Thörn, senior investigator on the Jämställdsmyndigheten, who believe that one particular needs to target young people and to involve boys and men in much higher extent than has previously been done in Sweden. “

“We live in a reality where the foreign MINISTRY has been strengthening the workforce because they get into more and more cases where people need help to get home to Sweden when they are kept abroad on the basis of honour related violence, forced marriage or female genital mutilation.”

“the Calls to the national helpline for honour-related violence is increasing dramatically, already in september was more than the whole of last year. “

“the Municipality after municipality blows the whistle on girls who are not going back to school after the summer holidays, after suspicions of forced marriage.”

“Just our little organization, GAPF, during the 2018 received 19 calls that have only have been a suspicion of the abduction of children and women. Of these, we have managed to downloaded the seven, to safety in Sweden. “

“Despite the parliament’s positive decision on stricter legislation against child marriage is still available for the 132 recorded cases of just child marriages in Sweden. “

“The political and state actors in the shock phase should be over long time ago. It is high time to start dealing with reality for what it is. Set the essential and critical issues, manage and mobilize.”

“nSara Mohammad, founder and director GAPF – Never Forget Pela and About.”

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