The Federal office for information security (BSI) has already had for weeks of the just-known massive theft of personal data of politicians and Celebrities, knowledge. Even the Federal criminal police office (BKA) learned according to its own presentation of the publication, only in the night to Friday. According to a BKA-Letter to all the Bundestag deputies, which is present the German press Agency in Berlin. The BSI unit because of his approach has come under increasing criticism.

The FDP-to-digital politician Manuel Höferlin said the dpa, you have to wonder about the information policy of the authority. “The Federal Agency must explain its approach to and critical review.” Also, Left party leader Dietmar Bartsch has not responded indignantly: “Given the Dimension of the data Klaus is information of party Chairman by the authorities is totally unacceptable. There is something to hide?“

The BSI language in December of the incident

BSI-President Arne Schönbohm told the TV channel Phoenix “We have already spoken very early in December with the help of individual members who were affected, accordingly.” It had also been counter-measures initiated. Among other things, a special team had been dispatched for assistance in Affected (Mobile Incident Response Team). “Therefore, at an early stage, certain actions,” said Schönbohm.

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On Thursday night it was reported that an Unknown on a Twitter account has published in December of mass personal data, including phone numbers and private Chat logs. Hundreds of politicians in the Federation, in the länder and in the municipalities affected, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU). Data from actors and journalists were published.

AfD politicians are not affected by the attack, apparently

According to the Federal Ministry of the interior, there are so far no indications that politicians in the AfD are affected. You would be the only in the Bundestag represented a party have been spared. Alone of the CDU and the CSU 410 name found on the online list published.

To the enlightenment, also the Federal criminal police office, the protection of the Constitution, the Federal intelligence service and Federal police are in addition to the Federal office for security in information technology involved.

The BKA warned the deputies in his Letter: “It is considered that the persons concerned may not only be damaged in direct temporal connection destination, for example, (anonymous) insults and threats, or in some cases in-kind.” The Links to the data are currently accessible. “However, it is assumed that already copies have been downloaded and, for example, via “WhatsApp” or any other openly accessible Internet sites more widely used.”

Green call for more awareness for IT security

One of the Main victims of the attack, the Green politician Konstantin von Notz, who called for a shift in German security policy. “We need a greater awareness that the question of IT security for a democracy in the age of digitization is constitutive,” said the Deputy faction chief of the German press Agency.

Although the state of digital structures is a responsibility of the users themselves also have a duty to pay attention to safety. “It is a societal box. We need to have a higher sensitivity for all concerned,“ said von Notz. “Overall, the cabin is burning in the area ablaze.”

FDP: parliamentarians about Cyber threats is not enough informed

The FDP Deputy Höferlin said the dpa: “It shows once again that the structures for the Information of parliamentarians about Cyber threats are sufficient.” The Left MPs André Hahn was also outraged: “it annoys Me incredibly that I experienced such things several times in the media – and, although I am a member of the parliamentary control Committee and interior Committee of the Bundestag,” said the editorial network Germany (Saturday). “The obligation of the government to Parliament also applies between Christmas and new year.”

inside Secretary of state Günter Krings (CDU), announced consequences. “We will do everything possible to make the perpetrators of this evil attack on the personality rights of so many citizens thing, and to make the structures used are harmless,” he said of the “Rheinische Post” (Saturday). “We also need to consider whether we need to strengthen to trace the perpetrators of technical and legal Determination.”

Union: Responsibility with public data

Union leader Ralph Brinkhaus is not called on to use the data. “I can only deal appeal to all, to be responsible with the data. Thus, making this private information public, not to win,” said the CDU politician of the “Heilbronner Stimme” (Saturday). From the point of view of his Deputy Thorsten Frei, the incident shows “how negligent the whole of society and the economy with the issue of data security bypasses”. While the United States in 2017 would have spent on the Cyber-security of around 20 billion euros, had to get by the German BSI, with a budget of around 110 million euros, said Free of the “Stuttgarter Zeitung”/”Stuttgarter Nachrichten” (Saturday), “it is not in proportion to the actual danger.”

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The Cyber security Council of Germany called for an Expansion of cyber-defense capabilities. The aim must be to discover attacks faster as well as to identify cyber criminals effectively and to be able to prosecute, said the President of the Cyber security Council, Hans-Wilhelm thin.

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According to research by, the Online service of the “Frankfurt General newspaper”, is the owner of the now deleted Twitter Accounts in the Youtuber scene, not Unknown. He had already hacked more often, other accounts, reported on Friday and quoted one Concerned with the words: “We have the game all the time.” (dpa)