Civil disobedience is an old, often noble Form of political action. Especially when it springs from the Conscience, and the indignation about the injustice of a law. In Italy, the desire of prominent mayors from big cities, word powerful on against the recently passed security and immigration law of the populist government. Some of them are threatening to simply ignore it. They say it column in an unauthorised manner the fundamental rights of the migrants and concern for more rather than less insecurity in the cities and for more black work. You need to know as a Manager.

The law in question is also known as Legge Salvini known, because it carries the ideological seal of Matteo Salvini , the Minister of the interior and Deputy Prime Minister from the right-wing Lega. His entire political rise, he owes to the topic. Controversial the law is, above all, because it sends tens of thousands of asylum seekers that were previously equipped with a “residence permit for humanitarian reasons”, in illegality, in the underground. The Status of the humanitarian right to stay, only in very rare cases of hardship. Many of these recently, the status of free people not leave the country, however, is neither voluntary nor forced you to land on the road. There are estimates that out of about 120’000 people Affected. Overnight, to a certain extent. All rights and integration assistance, which they enjoyed under the old law, will terminate immediately.

“to do A social bomb”

it has, especially with article 13 of the Law Salvini. He forbids it to the communities, these persons in the Register of its inhabitants, as was previously the case. And without entry, you have no right to send children to school. The health sector remains closed to them. Work the paper loose at the most in the shadow economy, on the vegetable fields in the South, for example, where you are from organised crime are exploited. The critical mayor speak of a “social bomb”.

they are Led by Leoluca Orlando, an old Fox of Italian politics. For the fifth Time, he is now the mayor of Palermo. Orlando announced that he will ignore the new standard, because it is “inhumane” and “unconstitutional”. The residents ‘ office will he instruct, it continues to register all of them. The counterpart from Bari and Naples, to talk similar. Those from Florence, Milan, Reggio Calabria, Reggio Emilia, Livorno and Parma are also critical, think about it, but even with civil disobedience. Most of them are links, some of them belong to the ruling Cinque.

In the Italian media, is traded to Orlando, now as a “rebel leader”, and this dramatic designation is likely to appeal to him quite well. Orlando rebels against his political Nemesis: You can imagine in Italy there is hardly two more different politicians than the Cosmopolitans Orlando and the nationalists Salvini, the Sicilians and the Milanese. Orlando called Salvini a “proto-fascists”. The Minister countered with “traitor”: If Orlando would refuse to apply the law, then he will send his inspectors to Palermo.

Only the constitutional court could act cash

The “Party” is now also available for the mayor over said Salvini and needed an old battle term of its Propaganda – la pacchia: Party, beautiful life. Last summer, he had caused a stir, as he promised to the “migrants on a cruise across the Mediterranean sea” a the end of the “pacchia”. With such sayings, Salvini makes mood.

the criticism of The mayor may be politically legitimate. But you can’t disobey the law. After the state President has signed it, can only collect the constitutional court, as it is called, and the conclusion would be that the template points to the basic law.

Conte looking for the Dialog

Italy’s Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte was on the side of his Minister of the interior. But when he realized that the tough stance was a part of the Cinque, whom he is close politically, miss, showed he suddenly is ready for dialogue with the Recalcitrant.

but not found by the way, earlier, when he was still in Power, that the non-violent Rebel did, in fact, its place in democratic life. In 2016, he called out to all the mayors, you want to put the act on registered partnerships for same-sex couples. “To disobey a wrong law is a virtue,” he said at the time. Today, he is considered civil disobedience, as a betrayal of the people.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 04.01.2019, 20:59 PM