“The police are testing blåljuset: Good or provocative?”

“Always the police but a little weaker.”

“the Police is piloting a new type of lightboard on their cars.”

“Now they ask what you think about the times.”

“It’s a new year. The police are running cars with so-called ”Cruise light” – a lightboard that can shine with a steady light, but the light weaker. The hope that the police have is that the new blue glow to give recognition, but to provoke.”

“– Cruise light is a new way for us to talk about ”here we are”, said Per Rickander at polistekniksektionen at the national police when the police announced the news.”

“Give the police more opportunities”

“the Idea is that the police should have greater visibility, even in situations and environments where ”saftblandarna” is not justified. According to the rules of the utryckningsljuset not be used in other situations. The new ramp provides Per Rickander other possibilities of the use of the light.”

“– for example, We can use it at the krogmiljöer during the closing, demonstrations, or situations of social unrest, when we want to show presence, but avoid to be perceived as provocative. Something that the usual blåljusen can do when we have flashes of just seventeen and need to get to fort forward.”

“the Police in Huddinge is one of the using the new ljusrampen, and now they have on their Facebook page put the question to the public: How do you experience the lights?”

“the Range of comments is wide, but several think that the new fixed light is a good idea.”

“Those who think that the point is less thought out, touch on the fact that it can create misunderstandings and panic. However, it is not that the isn going to tick on the highway in the blue – according to the rules get the cruise light only be used when the vehicle is stationary or driven at a walking pace”

“on October”

“the agency has given the police permission to test the new feature in larmbågen until 31 October 2015. The ability to be able to see igenkänningsljuset will be in the county of Västerbotten, Gävleborg, Stockholm, Skåne, Västra Götaland, Kalmar and Östergötland county. “