In Germany, the Green group leaders, according to a media report, after the cyber-attack on politicians in the name of the group as a whole to a criminal complaint. “Personal, non-public data of the group’s members were stolen over the Twitter Account @_0rbit (, against their will and without their Knowledge be reproduced, distributed and made publicly accessible”, it means to justification in the criminal complaint, the “Rheinische Post” of Saturday. This is against an unknown. It is not excluded that also the personal data of group employees were affected.

According to research by, the Online service of the “Frankfurt General newspaper”, is the owner of the now deleted Twitter Accounts in the Youtuber scene, not Unknown. He had already hacked more often, other accounts, reported on Friday and quoted one Concerned with the words: “We have the game all the time.”

“attack on democracy”

The parliamentary Manager of the Greens, Britta Hasselmann, described the hacking of politicians, celebrities and journalists as an “attack on our democracy”. The state had the duty to protect the fundamental right of citizens to confidentiality and integrity of your IT systems.

“It can’t be that hackers grab private data and uncertainty among many of our citizens,” said Hasselmann the sheet. “This is an attack on our democracy, our civil and personal rights.” The Federal government had “a duty to take effective measures to protect the security in the network”.

On Thursday night it was reported that an Unknown on a Twitter account has published in December of mass personal data, including phone numbers and private Chat logs. Hundreds of politicians are affected, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble. Data from actors and journalists were published.

a critique of authority

The German Federal criminal police office (BKA) has indicated that only in the night of Friday, of the publication of the data. This, the authority informed all members of Parliament in a Letter that is available to the news Agency DPA. In contrast, the massive data theft the Federal office for information security (BSI) was already since weeks. BSI-President Arne Schönbohm said on Friday the TV station Phoenix: “We have already spoken very early in December with the help of individual members who were affected, accordingly.”

The BSI unit because of his approach has come under increasing criticism. The FDP-to-digital politician Manuel Höferlin told the news Agency DPA, one has to wonder about the information policy of the authority. “The Federal Agency must explain its approach to and critical review.” Also, Left party leader Dietmar Bartsch has not responded indignantly: “Given the Dimension of the data Klaus is information of party Chairman by the authorities is totally unacceptable. There is something to hide?”

The BKA warned the deputies in his Letter: “It is considered that the persons concerned may not only be damaged in direct temporal connection destination, for example, (anonymous) insults and threats, or in some cases in-kind.” The Links to the data are currently accessible. “However, it is assumed that already copies have been downloaded and, for example, via “WhatsApp” or any other openly accessible Internet sites more widely used.”

Cyber-security Council calls for defense development

The Cyber-security Council Germany warned of attack as a consequence of the hack, the Expansion of the response capacity. The aim must be to discover attacks faster as well as to identify cyber criminals effectively and to be able to prosecute, said the President of the German-government-based Cyber defense center, Hans-Wilhelm thin.

The incident show how acute and serious nature of the threats from the cyber space. Not only for the economic but also to political systems – democracies, in particular, and the society could do to advance global networking for such a campaign is screaming to be abused, and a lot of damage.

in August 2012, Cyber-security Council Germany e. V. is politically neutral and advises companies, authorities and political decision-makers in the area of Cyber security. Thin requested, operators of Instant-Messaging and micro-blogging platforms and social networks need to do more to stop such dirty actions. (roy/SDA)

Created: 05.01.2019, 05:56 PM