The ceremony took place in Brasília delivery, as U.S. President Donald Trump a Tweet of congratulations to President Jair Bolsonaro , has just held a great speech at the inauguration – the United States are set: “!” The Sworn thanked prompt for the “encouraging words” from Washington. Yesterday, double it, and stated that he was open to a U.S. military base in his country.

Behind the warm words, there is more than mere courtesy. The Populist Donald Trump and the extreme Right-wing Jair Bolsonaro are the same in sound and style. With similar methods, they have managed to conquer the highest Offices in Brazil and the USA. And as President of the second – and fourth-largest democracy in the world pursue similar projects that have the potential to bring this democracy is in danger.

you wanted to finally

Trump and Bolsonaro supply, both of which were initially underestimated in an almost grotesque way. As their ambitions were on the President in public, they were seen as political clowns who were not to be taken seriously. As they rose in the polls, it was said, at the very latest, in the run-off election was final.

many observers didn’t notice it Trump, and Bolsonaro was able, a mood rekindle that carried them up to the presidency. Both staged as an Outsider, the breaking up encrusted political structures, corruption and a halt circuit and the economy moving again – they were considered to be those that would finally deliver.

should not be, of course, provided for all. The 63-year-old Bolsonaro pays homage to how the nine-year-older Trump the nationalism. “Brazil is not a country can be open borders,” said Bolsonaro, in view of the many refugees from Venezuela and sound so much like Trump, as he spoke about the migrants at the U.S. southern border. Bolsonaro insulted Black and Indigenous, and he said, such as Trump, made derogatory comments about women. About his government’s program Brasil acima de tudo” – Brazil “about everything. This is just a variation of the “America first”.

Video Bolsonaro can be like a pop star celebrate Was in an open Rolls Royce through the capital Brasilia to: Jair Bolsonaro at his inauguration. (Video: Tamedia/AFP)

Trump and Bolsonaro have spun in the core the same story, although they have completely different biographies: the entrepreneur from New York, who actually had no political office, here in the state of São Paulo-born former paratrooper, he’s been in since the beginning of the 90s, as a backbencher in the Brazilian Parliament. Your story have both independent of established media, on social networks. While Trump’s tweets today assiduously, uses Bolsonaro short Videos that the Team puts on its Facebook page.

another Similarity: Both Trump as well as Bolsonaro were supported in the election campaign, apparently in an illegal way. The so-called Russia affair in the United States finds its Brazilian counterpart in a scandal around the news provider Whatsapp. As the newspaper “Folha de S. Paulo” revealed, have co-financed several companies secretly a smear campaign against Bolsonaros opponent in the runoff election. Millions of fake messages were sent.

attacks on the media

the mainstream media are in the belief of the two presidents for the so-called Fake News, is responsible. Trump attacked preferably, the news channel CNN, the Washington Post and the New York Times and has been asked several times to be a “Failure” of these media.

Bolsonaro now proceeds similarly with the “Folha de S. Paulo” – the same newspaper that brought the Whatsapp scandal to light. He described the sheet as “the biggest Fake-News-source of Brazil,” and indicated that the government would not display the Ads more in the case of critical leaves. In an Interview, he said about the “Folha”: “With this newspaper, it is.”

The nationalism of the two presidents, which represent a total of 530 million people, is also found in their foreign policy programmes. Like Trump Bolsonaro has little left for international cooperation. The UN, he described as “a meeting place of Communists,” and declared that his country would emerge. Later, he said, actually, he was planning the withdrawal from the UN human rights Council. The to his inauguration, visiting US Secretary of state Mike Pompeo, he promised, Brazil will call for the approval of the UN-migration Pact, the Trump-government has signed.

Against China and Cuba

Other foreign policy similarities: After Trump also Bolsonaro transferred to the Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Both want to reduce the influence of China and stronger against Cuba and Venezuela approach. The climate can be raised, the President also little. The US withdrew from the Paris climate agreement, Bolsonaro want to accelerate deforestation in the arg-torn Amazon rain forest.

With all the similarities, it is not surprising that Eduardo Bolsonaro, son and collaborator of the new President, last year, tweeted a photo from Manhattan. It shows him with Stephen Bannon, the racists and the previous Einflüsterer Trumps. The Meeting was a pleasure, he wrote: “We had a great conversation, and we share the same belief.”

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 04.01.2019, 20:50 PM