It should be the new prestige vehicle SBB: timetable change from 9. December was supposed to operate the double-Decker train “FV-Dosto” with up to 1,300 seats on the parade route between St. Gallen and Geneva airport. But the operation was not “stable enough,” said the SBB on the 19. December. They were with the reliability of the trains is not satisfied.

Thus, the full introduction of the new train is delayed further. In 2010, the SBB for about 1.9 billion Swiss francs were cars ordered by the train manufacturer Bombardier for 59 double – deck trains for long-distance traffic-the largest order for Rolling stock in the history of the Federal government. Scheduled to Start in 2013. However, construction problems, delays and legal disputes dragged the process out even more.

Currently, only twelve of the trains are in operation. You operate on the route between Chur, St. Gallen, Zurich and Basel. According to the SBB for improvement for the installation and commissioning of the trains. On some trains, a technician of Bombardier is now driving, so that “in the acute case as quickly as possible to respond”. In addition, a Hotline, with specialists available to the drivers.

knight of Intervention

The difficulties now call the policy to the Plan. The national Council Thomas Ammann (CVP) want to address the “Pannenzug”, as he calls the “FV-Dosto”, at the next session of the national Council’s traffic Commission in mid-January. How far-reaching the technical problems are? Who bears the costs for the lack of start-up of the “FV-Dosto”, the cancelled trains, replacement trains, and delays? Have informed the SBB is enough? On questions of this kind Ammann of the SBB expects answers.

with Ammann, a St. Galler MP is active, is no coincidence. In Eastern Switzerland, the Anger over the “FV-Dosto is” particularly great. “So you have no joy on the trains,” says Ammann’s party colleague, national councillor Markus Ritter (CVP), which was affected by the disturbances a number of times personally: delays, unspecified technical problems, not heated cars, restless journey – knight’s action list is a long one.

The St. Gallen Council had complained in December, in the SBB only a number of times about the conditions in the Rhine valley, but also on his view, lack of Information of the SBB. SBB will be on 19. December, have informed on the basis of knight’s Intervention about the problems, best you ride: you would simply want to inform before the days of “open and transparent” about the further developments.

Bombardier is under pressure

How quickly the professionals can solve the problems, is unclear. According to SBB, the train can travel at the earliest in mid – January for the route St. Gallen-Geneva Cointrin airport. The complexity compared to older rolling stock has greatly increased, so the SBB. The new trains no longer exist from the car body and the wheels, rather you are driving to the end of data centers. The responsibility of the SBB to see “clearly” Bombardier. The manufacturer must ensure, “that the current shortcomings will be fixed immediately”.

How much the plight of (presumed) costs, the SBB does not comment on. The content of the contract of delivery you have and Bombardier silence agreed. Only so much SBB price: As usual in such purchases you have agreed with Bombardier for the more expenses due to late deliveries penalties. Bombardier is also a supplier of 62 trains per day travelling instead of the 59 ordered; three will receive the SBB for free. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 04.01.2019, 17:28 PM