Morocco has given the Danish government guarantee for the terrordømte and the now former Danish-moroccan Said Mansours security.

It informs the immigration and integration minister Inger Støjberg (V).

– There is, of course, completely in control of things in relation to Said Mansour, and I must say that I am very happy with it. But of course, it is also seen in the light (Mansours security, red.) naturally, to a case like the one here takes a very long time, she says.

Mansour was shortly before midnight on Friday evening handed over to the authorities in the north african country of the Danish police officers.

And it’s Inger Støjberg ‘extremely satisfied’.

– He has used his time in Denmark to betray us, and he has tried to undermine and destabilise Denmark, and therefore he is not here, she says.

She was in the spring even in Morocco to discuss the possibility of returning the 58-year-old Mansour.

Danish Prime minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V) and minister for foreign affairs Anders Samuelsen (LA) also has ‘worked hard’ with the case, says Inger Støjberg.

– Also the moroccan ambassador in Denmark has been very involved. It is something that has taken a very long time, and we have also known, because it is a very difficult matter to have sent a man like him out here, she says.

On a question on, whether there is made a general hjemsendelsesaftale between Denmark and Morocco, limiting Inger Støjberg its response to the ‘agreement covers only Said Mansour’.

Mansour was in 2015 of the Eastern high Court sentenced to four years in jail for encouraging terrorism. His Danish citizenship was cancelled and he was expelled for ever. The verdict was the year after upheld in the Supreme court.

Accompanied by Danish police officers he arrived late Friday evening to Casablanca by plane from Copenhagen.