returned As the short pants gang again for the first time on the book market, 2006 was the said one of the four eleven-year-old boys: “I wish that the short pants gang stays forever together.” As it seems, is gone to fulfill this wish. Zoran Drvenkar has just, together with his fictional Ghost Victor Caspak and Yves Lanois-writers, a fourth short pants gang-history wrote: “the Testament of the brethren”. And therein you can look to experience Rudolpho, Snickers, Iceland, and cement, also as a hundred years, to be more precise: 101-Year-old, as they are skipping noise-beards, glasses, and a Horse side by side, sitting on the Sofa, in front of Bitter Lemon, Chips and Popcorn, and a horror movie.

you make the most, of course, as an eleven-year-old you are since the first short pants-Band continuously. In any case, rather than a new hair-raising, unbelievable adventures, in which she advised Yes, involuntarily. As well as this Time, because the boys need to get to a funeral in the town hall of their small canadian hometown of Okkerville arrive. The reason: the opening of the title Testament of the brothers, the twin brothers, Alexei and Ivan Karamazov. The cinema Okkervilles operated, in which the short pants gang was a regular customer, but it burned down shortly after Karamasows death. Only what is in the Testament? What is the heritage? “It will require a lot of courage,” it reads, “because a legacy is more than just a gift from someone who no longer lives. A heritage to keep a light Burning.“

That sounds nice, poetic and cryptic. To cement, the white because of its ability to communicate with ghosts (including those of the Karamasows), always more, the short pants gang perplexed and flabbergasted, as much as you liked the Old one. What is this now all about? And one also wonders when reading. Because it goes to the beginning of the wild and sympathetic of a mess, through time and space and this story.

Okkerville is hypnotized briefly, the guys from a strange count kidnapped, after Russia, in the homeland of the brothers. You land on a lake with a platform in the middle of a two-storey block house with a covered porch, “the best kept secret in the whole of Russia”, and that in turn has a lot to do with the birth of the Karamasows in the year 1902.

fast-paced, straightforward, with a sense of wit, feeling and melancholy

Zoran Drvenkar was born in 1967 in Croatia and lives in Berlin, tells all in his own, the short pants gang the proper way: fast-paced, straightforward, with a sense of wit, feeling, and melancholy. Formally, he has built the well-known detour: with the two canadian writers Caspak and Lanois as a hinge and researchers (which is redundant, but still fun) with the guys as alternating narrators. And also with one or the other character, who must also give their Version of events to the Best. For example, one of the Paulis, the nasty-evil Okkerviller against players of the short pants gang. Or the British writer H. G. Wells, in his novel “The time machine” – why say he haunts as a literary quote by Drvenkars novel, literally.

Because what makes the short pants gang here? Travel in the time, mostly in the past, but also the two in the future. Wells told after he’s at least met cement in a Tunnel under the block-house, as a certain Lothar, cement spirit!, him to help you have asked, namely, that “two canadian writers who would write about the Russian adventure of the short pants gang and a couple of problems with the would have had to hang.”

Yes, of course, in this turbulent, finely told story, from the end of the 19th century. until the late 21st century. Century spanning, in the case of the real crash of an asteroid in 1908, plays a role in the Rudolpho but once more his mother meets and…, no, not retold, but even to be read. And heard, after the appearance of the first, in 2005, with the German youth literature prize-winning short pants gang-band, furthermore, to the Best of what there is in the literature.

Zoran Drvenkar: The short pants gang & the Testament of the brethren. Roman. cbj Random House, Munich 2018. 278 pages. 15 €. Ten or more years.

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Zoran Drvenkar over his last juvenile novel, “I think the rest of your life”

Cyrill Callenius

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