There has been some global warming. We can measure ourselves to. Mankind has probably contributed to this, although the climate of the other reasons varied a lot during the årmiljarderna.

During the Triassic, it was for example extremely warm, without human interference. The human impact depends on much more than carbon dioxide emissions, which is now in focus. Other things that affect the climate, poverty, the expansion of megacities, huge collection of logging residue, heating of the oceans, variations in jetströmmar, effects of the solar flares and the sun’s position relative to the earth.

a String of miljökonferenser in Stockholm in 1972, Copenhagen, 2009, Rio de Janeiro in 2012, Paris in 2015 and Katowice 2018 has all of the sought a global strategy to tackle climate change.

attention and human actions climate change may,, the person will probably not be able to affect the global climate more than marginally. The global ”vädermaskinen” is so complicated that no one understands themselves fully to manage it, or have the right tools.

nobel Laureate of economics, William Nordhaus belong to those who support the view that we will not reach the targets of 1.5-2 degree warming. We should probably focus on that it will be 3 degrees or more.

It is not likely that we humans will be able to change the global climate to a certain goal. To reduce or eliminate fossil fuels can still have their points in terms of health and that we should not be dependent on purchasing oil from the dictatorship of saudi Arabia.

it is probably wiser to invest energy, knowledge and resources to adapt our communities to a warmer climate? Here are some examples:

1. Recovery of streams in order to counter the floods.

2. New cultivation methods and crops in agriculture and market gardening, adapted to a warmer climate.

3. English model for the setting of fields with trees and bushes, which reduces the vulnerability to weather and wind.

4. Greening of cities to reduce the temperature and oxygenate the air.

5. Increase the capacity for storage of grain and other crops.

6. Establishment of bevattningsdammar.

7. Air-conditioned stables.

8. Measures to tackle the heat waves, the readiness within the health care system, the air-conditioned homes and public premises.

9. New technologies to use more seawater.

10. Provide strategically important streets and roads with flood defences and enhanced drainage.

11. Hydrants for drinking water in the public environment and in the workplace.

12. Flood control at important buildings, such as hospitals.

13. The cooperation concerning drinking water between municipalities.

It sometimes sounds like that global warming will be the end of the world, but then you have a bad track on how the climate on earth has undergone major changes, from big nerisning to very hot.