Museum of art of solution for a long swelled into queues were short-lived.

Kolean wintry weather has not stopped the culture-hungry people waiting in line from the art museum Amos rex’s hugely popular inaugural exhibition, which is open again this weekend. Huge queues have been blocked the sight in the centre of Helsinki.

on Wednesday, the art museum gives Twitter tips, how to get massive queues of over.

in the screenshot, TWITTER

– Borrow from friends stroller age children and a wagon per adult and wait in line with them considerably shorter stroller line in the glass palace square side, Amos Rex tweeted.

Amos rex’s visually impressive inaugural exhibition, which has been responsible for tokyo from the TeamLab artist group, has been applied also perfect for children. The exhibition is reached from the beginning, unhindered glass palace square-hand side-door.

the Museum tweeted yet so we’re clear, that also the children’s trolley cases, siblings and both parents would be able to use this ruse together.

the solution of queues to facilitate was really short-lived, because already today a trailer with the arrival of visitors was formed just as a massive queue in the glass palace square.